This iconoclastic book proposes that superconductivity is misunderstood in contemporary science and that this hampers scientific and technological development. Superconductivity is the ability of some metals to carry electric current without resistance at very low temperatures. Properly understanding superconductivity would facilitate finding materials that superconduct at room temperature, providing great benefits to society.The conventional BC ...
A child would enjoy a Dinosaur Facts for Kids Picture Book because children naturally want to obtain knowledge and enjoy learning. Dinosaurs are very interesting to children and children often like to learn new things about them. Seeing the photos in the book will stimulate the child visually while they can also listen to someone read the dinosaur facts to them or read the facts themselves. There are so many different types of dinosaurs that chi ...
In the American West, water adjudication lawsuits are adversarial, expensive, and lengthy. <I>Unsettled Waters</I> is the first detailed study of water adjudications in New Mexico. The state envisioned adjudication as a straightforward accounting of water rights as private property. However, adjudication resurfaced tensions and created conflicts among water sovereigns at multiple scales. Based on more than ten years ...
Crimes against Nature reveals the hidden history behind three of the nation's first parklands: the Adirondacks, Yellowstone, and the Grand Canyon. Focusing on conservation's impact on local inhabitants, Karl Jacoby traces the effect of criminalizing such traditional practices as hunting, fishing, foraging, and timber cutting in the newly created parks. Jacoby reassesses the nature of these «crimes» and provides a rich portrait of rur ...
В одном из больших городов Южного Урала, в запасниках краеведческого музея, лежит старинный бронзовый щит, богато украшенный своеобразным орнаментом и изображением сцены битвы седой древности. Подобного щита не имеет ни один другой музей России. 70 лет научные сотрудники, краеведы, журналисты пытались разгадать тайну щита, обретённого при невыясненных обстоятельствах в окрестностях города, наиболее вероятно на одном из четырёх шиханов (известняк ...
Is global violence on the decline? Steven Pinker’s highly-publicized argument that human violence across the world has been dramatically abating continues to influence discourse among academics and the general public alike. In this provocative volume, a cast of eminent historians interrogate Pinker’s thesis by exposing the realities of violence throughout human history. In doing so, they reveal the history of human violence to be richer, more th ...
In 1944, Raphael Lemkin coined the term “genocide” to describe a foreign occupation that destroyed or permanently crippled a subject population. In this tradition, Empire, Colony, Genocide embeds genocide in the epochal geopolitical transformations of the past 500 years: the European colonization of the globe, the rise and fall of the continental land empires, violent decolonization, and the formation of nation states. It thereby challenges th ...