Что такое Церковь и как она появилась на свет? Почему стала такой, какой мы знаем ее сейчас? Какие задачи решала, с чем боролась, какое место занимала в истории, как меняла общество и государство? В этой книге дана полная картина церковной жизни I-XI веков от начала христианства до Великого раскола 1054 года.
In Colonial Fantasies, Imperial Realities, Lenny Urena Valerio offers a transnational approach to Polish-German relations and nineteenth-century colonial subjectivities. She investigates key cultural dynamics in the history of medicine, colonialism, and migration that bring Germany and Prussian Poland closer to the colonial and postcolonial worlds in Africa and Latin America. She also analyzes how Poles in the German Empire positioned themselv ...
Для того, чтобы понять истину, иногда стоит услышать оппонента, потому что его точка зрения на предмет расположена с противоположной стороны – с той, которая тебе самому недоступна. Вот почему существует другой взгляд на историю, и он – не наша выдумка и, уж тем более. не прихоть. Развенчание устойчивых исторических мифов, ложных по своей сути, и есть цель данной книги. В её главах вы найдёте ответы на те вопросы, которые, может быть, мучают вас ...
Когда речь заходит о скрытом, можно и по-другому – химер¬ном, характере локальной мировой цивилизации, имеется в виду не конспирология, как, скажем, в социологии мировой политики. В социологии мировых цивилизаций обходятся без конспирологического феномена. Хотя, разве можно его исключить на все 100 процентов из практической социологии? Конечно, это маловероятно. Бесспорно, при использовании цивилизационной методологии, в отличие от политической, ...
"Wherever the people are well informed," Thomas Jefferson wrote, «they can be trusted with their own government.» But what happens when they are not? In every issue of modern society–from climate change to vaccinations, transportation to technology, health care to defense–we are in the midst of an unprecedented expansion of scientific progress and a simultaneous expansion of danger. At the very time we need them most, scientists and the ide ...
In The Spatial Reformation , Michael J. Sauter offers a sweeping history of the way Europeans conceived of three-dimensional space, including the relationship between Earth and the heavens, between 1350 and 1850. He argues that this «spatial reformation» provoked a reorganization of knowledge in the West that was arguably as important as the religious Reformation. Notably, it had its own sacred text, which proved as central and was as ubiquitou ...
In the early modern period, thinkers began to suggest that philosophy abjure the ideal of dispassionate contemplation of the natural world in favor of a more practically minded project that aimed to make human beings masters and possessors of nature. Humanity would seize control of its own fate and overthrow the rule by hostile natural or imaginary forces. The gradual spread of liberal democratic government, the Enlightenment, and the rise of te ...
What does it mean to speak for nature? Contemporary environmental critics warn that giving a voice to nonhuman nature reduces it to a mere echo of our own needs and desires; they caution that it is a perverse form of anthropocentrism. And yet nature's voice proved a powerful and durable ethical tool for premodern writers, many of whom used it to explore what it meant to be an embodied creature or to ask whether human experience is independe ...
Eileen Reeves examines a web of connections between journalism, optics, and astronomy in early modern Europe, devoting particular attention to the ways in which a long-standing association of reportage with covert surveillance and astrological prediction was altered by the near simultaneous emergence of weekly newsheets, the invention of the Dutch telescope, and the appearance of Galileo Galilei's astronomical treatise, The Starry Messenge ...