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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Mean Field Theory
Vladimir M Kolomietz
This book describes recent theoretical and experimental developments in the study of static and dynamic properties of atomic nuclei, many-body systems of strongly interacting neutrons and protons. The theoretical approach is based on the concept of the mean field, describing the motion of a nucleon in terms of a self-consistent single-particle potential well which approximates the interactions of a nucleon with all the other nucleons. The theoretical approaches also go beyond the mean-field approximation by including the effects of two-body collisions. The self-consistent mean-field approximation is derived using the effective nucleon–nucleon Skyrme-type interaction. The many-body problem is described next in terms of the Wigner phase space of the one-body density, which provides a basis for semi-classical approximations and leads to kinetic equations. Results of static properties of nuclei and properties associated with small amplitude dynamics are also presented. Relaxation processes, due to nucleon–nucleon collisions, are discussed next, followed by instability and large amplitude motion of excited nuclei. Lastly, the book ends with the dynamics of hot nuclei. The concepts and methods developed in this book can be used for describing properties of other many-body systems. Contents: PrefaceIntroductionSelf-Consistent Mean Field ApproximationsMany-Body Problem in Phase SpaceFluid Dynamics ApproachStatic Properties of NucleiDirect Variational MethodSmall Amplitude Dynamics: Quantum ApproachSmall Amplitude Dynamics in Phase SpaceRelaxation ProcessesInstabilities and Large Amplitude MotionDynamics of Hot NucleiAppendicesBibliography Readership: Students with basic knowledge of quantum mechanics and nuclear physics, as well as researchers and students interested in advanced topics in the study of properties of many-body systems.Many-Body Theory;Mean Field Approximation;Wigner Phase Space Distribution;Energy Density Functional;Semi-Classical Approximations;Kinetic Equations;Two-Body Collisions;Liquid Drop Model;Static Properties of Nuclei;Collective Motion;Relaxation Processes;Instabilities;Large Amplitude Motion;Hot Nuclei0 Key Features: Describes recent theoretical results of properties of nuclei and nuclear matter and compare with experimental data, when availableThe concepts and methods presented can be used in the study of other many-body systems, such as atoms and condense matterReferences are given, providing good source for advanced and useful information
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