From managing email to building a social media presence, making smart use of technology is essential to professional success in a digital world. But using all these tools can quickly lead to digital overload. In this comprehensive guide from social media expert Alexandra Samuel, you’ll find out how to use the social web to achieve your professional goals—without letting it overwhelm you.Find out what social media power users d ...
TAKE THE PAIN OUT OF PRESENTATIONS. Terrified of speaking in front of a group? Or simply looking to polish your skills? No matter where you are on the spectrum, this guide will give you the confidence and the tools you need to get results. Written by presentation expert Nancy Duarte, the HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations will help you:Win over tough crowdsOrganize a coherent narrativeCreate powerful messages and visualsConnect with a ...
We live in an age of persuasion. Leaders and institutions of every kind–public and private, large and small–must compete in the marketplace of images and messages. This has been true since the advent of mass media, from broad circulation magazines and radio through the age of television and the internet. Yet there have been very few true geniuses at the art of mass persuasion in the last century. In public relations, Edward Bernays comes to mind ...
In their first book, Ten Rules for Strategic Innovators, the authors provided a better model for executing disruptive innovation. They laid out a three-part plan for launching high-risk/high-reward innovation efforts: (1) borrow assets from the existing firms, (2) unlearn and unload certain processes and systems that do not serve the new entity, and (3) learn and build all new capabilities and skills.In their study of the Ten Rules in action, Go ...
With roots planted firmly in the industrial age, the corporate ladder has been the metaphor used to describe the prevailing one-size-fits-all model for success. At its heart, the ladder is derived from inflexible, hierarchical, organization models in which prestige, individual rewards, information flow, power and influence are tied to the rung each employee occupies. Yet the workplace as we know it is in transition – evolving away from the linea ...
Your stomach's churning; you're hyperventilating – you're in a badly deteriorating conversation at work. Such exchanges, which run the gamut from firing subordinates to parrying verbal attacks from colleagues, are so loaded with anger, confusion, and fear that most people handle them poorly: they avoid them, clamp down, or give in.But dodging issues, appeasing difficult people, and mishandling tough encounters all carry a high pri ...
With advice and tools for improving a wide array of communication skills–from delivering an effective presentation to drafting proposals to the effective use of e-mail–Business Communication helps managers deliver information effectively. ...
Robert Kiyosaki’s new book 8 Lessons in Leadership draws from his years at the Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point and his service in the United Sates Marine Corps. With compelling stories and examples and a engaging way of comparing and contrasting two very different cultures and value systems, Robert shares the challenges he faced in transitioning to civilian life&hellipwhere chain of command and team-over-self—once s ...