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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Успешные переговоры
 From Me to We
 From Me to We

 Автор: Stephen Hanman

  This book demonstrates that long-term win-win collaboration approaches work. Principals and contractors don't have to end up in conflict or litigation. I would recommend these ideas be adopted by companies eager to improve productivity.' – John Mulcahy, Chairman, Mirvac<br /> <br />'In an industry dominated by conflict and unproductive activity, this book offers a refreshing and practical way for all parties in th
 The Content Marketing Handbook
 The Content Marketing Handbook

 Автор: Robert W. Bly

  On average, companies spend over one-quarter of their promotional budget on content marketing and it is forecasted to be a $200 billion industry by 2019. But content alone can't bring in new customers–readers need a strategy and <i>The Content Marketing Handbook</i> helps them create it.<br> <li>Written by marketing expert Robert Bly who shares four-decades of experience in planning and producing hundreds of content
 No B.S. Guide to Powerful Presentations
 No B.S. Guide to Powerful Presentations

 Автор: Dan S. Kennedy

  Can  One  Great Presentation Make You Rich? The answer is  YES .  Packed with battle-tested strategies and formulas to craft audience-retaining powerful presentations, this  No B.S.  guide is designed to turn any ordinary business into an extraordinary sell. Millionaire maker Dan S. Kennedy  and public speaking expert Dustin Mathews teach you their blueprint for creating life-changing presentations and prove that your success is not just deter

 Dynamic Communication
 Dynamic Communication

 Автор: Jill Schiefelbein

  When Good Communication Skills Aren't Enough Telling the story of your business is about more than writing grammatically correct proposals and emails or speaking to investors without using “ums” and “uhs.” To get your message across, you have to fi nd a dynamic way to reach your vast audience of stakeholders, consumers, and competitors. Business communication expert Jill Schiefelbein shows you how, delivering an education on how to build
 The Advertising Solution
 The Advertising Solution

 Автор: Craig Simpson

  Distilling the wisdom of the world&#8217;s greatest advertisers, direct marketing expert Craig Simpson delivers an education on direct marketing and advertising copy that creates brand awareness, sells products, and keeps customers engaged. Walks readers through time-tested methods of creating effective ad copy that increases profits. Dissects the principles of legendary marketers like Robert Collier, Claude Hopkins, John Caples, and David O
 Leading the Narrative
 Leading the Narrative

 Автор: Mari K. Eder

  The Strategy of Communication is a primer on the art and science of strategic communication. This book covers the foundation of communications strategies as well as solid tactics, techniques, and procedures for media relations, campaign planning, crisis communication and strategic communications planning. It is both a philosophy of communication and a solid practical reference manual. Like no other book on public relations, public diplomacy, or
 Powerful Presentations
 Powerful Presentations

 Автор: Jacques Waisvisz

  Special Feature: This book offers eight unique self-evaluating exercises.<br><br>Many books have been written on the subject of public speaking. Often these voluminous books have been composed with the aspiring professional speaker in mind. However, most people do not want to become professional speakers. They just want to be able to address an audience, when required, and to deliver a presentation with grace, humour and confidence.&
 Blow Your Own Horn: Successful Powerful Presenting
 Blow Your Own Horn: Successful Powerful Presenting


  Communicating is arguably the most important skill in life. Making a presentation is one of the most powerful ways of engaging with other human beings, yet often challenging and frequently nerve wracking. Too many over rely on Powerpoint to get their message across, and utterly fail to engage or connect with their audience. <br><br>This book shows you how to fulfil the 3 duties of any presenter – to be interesting and engaging, to ge
 How to Influence People Easily and Effectively: Unlock the Secrets of Persuasion and Get What You Want Out of Life
 How to Influence People Easily and Effectively: Unlock the Secrets of Persuasion and Get What You Want Out of Life

 Автор: Keanu M. Christopher

  Have you ever listened to a really great speaker give a presentation? With no effort at all they can take a crowd who is listless and bored, grab their interest and then at the end, be overrun with people trying to take advantage of their offer or buy their product? How can one person manage to be so persuasive? That can be you. Imagine never struggling to get your point across again. <br><br>You can be the person who only gets told
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