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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Управление продажами
 Scientific Selling. Creating High Performance Sales Teams through Applied Psychology and Testing
 Scientific Selling. Creating High Performance Sales Teams through Applied Psychology and Testing

 Автор: Nancy Martini

  Sales managers have the most difficult job in the business world. They are responsible not just for revenue, but also for the hiring, coaching, training, and deployment of the employees who must generate it. Before the advancements that inspired Scientific Selling, sales managers had few tools to help them succeed at these disparate yet essential tasks. Today, however, the scientific approaches described in this book allow sales managers to more
 The Cool Factor. Building Your Brand's Image through Partnership Marketing
 The Cool Factor. Building Your Brand's Image through Partnership Marketing

 Автор: Del Breckenfeld

  What is cool? Who knows. But there is one thing every marketer does know– nothing increases sales like cool does. In The Cool Factor, Del Breckenfeld, a long-time marketer at Fender® Musical Instruments Corp., presents an inside look at how Fender became the coolest name in musical instruments and how marketers at Fender partnered with cool products, musicians, and events to up their «cool factor» even more. If you're a marketer, The Cool Factor
 52 Weeks of Sales Success. America's #1 Salesman Shows You How to Send Sales Soaring
 52 Weeks of Sales Success. America's #1 Salesman Shows You How to Send Sales Soaring

 Автор: Ralph Roberts R.

  52 Weeks of Sales Success, 2nd edition is based on Roberts' series of popular weekly sales seminars originally offered to his staff. Ralph now delivers the same energy and sales-generating wisdom and closing tools to everyone who is committed to achieving his or her full potential. In this second edition, Ralph has expanded and updated the material to address issues important to today's salespeople and reveals his field-proven strategies for sel

 Setting Profitable Prices. A Step-by-Step Guide to Pricing Strategy--Without Hiring a Consultant
 Setting Profitable Prices. A Step-by-Step Guide to Pricing Strategy--Without Hiring a Consultant

 Автор: Marlene Jensen

  Time-tested strategies for making the best possible pricing decisions and gaining an unbeatable competitive advantage Pricing is one of the most important—and difficult—marketing problems companies face when launching new products. Unfortunately, the research that goes into making optimal pricing decisions is a very time-consuming process—unless, that is, you can afford to pay a consultant or outside agency to do it for you. But if you're like m
 Retail Marketing and Branding. A Definitive Guide to Maximizing ROI
 Retail Marketing and Branding. A Definitive Guide to Maximizing ROI

 Автор: Jesko Perrey

  Retail Marketing and Branding, 2nd Edition looks at how retailers can make more out of their marketing money with retail best practices in branding and marketing spend optimization. The second edition of Retail Marketing and Branding includes the following updates: * New and updated case examples * Updated figures and examples throughout * New interviewers with recent experiences * Additional chapters
 It's the Customer, Stupid!. 34 Wake-up Calls to Help You Stay Client-Focused
 It's the Customer, Stupid!. 34 Wake-up Calls to Help You Stay Client-Focused

 Автор: Jeffrey Gitomer

  Ruthlessly focus on what's convenient for customers, not what's convenient for you Ninety percent of dissatisfied clients will take their business elsewhere and never tell you why. However, ninety-five percent will become loyal customers again if their needs and problems are addressed and remedied. Speaker and salesperson Michael Aun shares these secrets and many more in It's the Customer, Stupid!, a guide to growing any business by gaining new
 Reshaping Retail. Why Technology is Transforming the Industry and How to Win in the New Consumer Driven World
 Reshaping Retail. Why Technology is Transforming the Industry and How to Win in the New Consumer Driven World

 Автор: Andrea Zocchi

  The modern retail system has worked to dazzling effect. From the 19th century, store owners emerged from small beginnings to set in train an industry that has seen some operators become nationally, even globally, dominant. Along the way, they turned retailing into an art, and then a science. Now retailers in emerging markets appear to be repeating the story all over again, except on a scale and at a speed beyond anything we have seen before. Giv
 The Never Cold Call Again Online Playbook. The Definitive Guide to Internet Marketing Success
 The Never Cold Call Again Online Playbook. The Definitive Guide to Internet Marketing Success

 Автор: Frank J. Rumbauskas, Jr.

  An all-in-one guide to online marketing from the New York Times bestselling author of Never Cold Call Again In Never Cold Call Again, Frank Rumbauskas shows salespeople how to achieve sales greatness without using those dreaded old tactics like cold calling. Now, in The Never Cold Call Again Online Playbook, he gives small business owners, independent professionals, and entrepreneurs a complete, all-in-one guide to the best practices of effectiv
 No Thanks, I'm Just Looking. Sales Techniques for Turning Shoppers into Buyers
 No Thanks, I'm Just Looking. Sales Techniques for Turning Shoppers into Buyers

 Автор: Harry Friedman J.

  Secrets of the trade from the master of retail selling and sales training No Thanks, I'm Just Looking gives anyone the inside scoop on how to skyrocket their selling career with a system of easy-to-learn practical money-making steps. By saving countless hours of trial-and-error experience, readers will be able to focus on the things that really work. Considered to be retail guru Harry J. Friedman's personal collection of proven selling technique
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