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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Управление продажами
 Selling Boldly
 Selling Boldly

 Автор: Группа авторов

  IF YOU’RE IN SALES, FEAR HAS COST YOU MILLIONS OF DOLLARS, AND THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU.Fear is the reason most salespeopledon’t like to pick up the phone (salespeople average just four hoursper week on the phone, and our job is to talk to humans!).Fear is the reason we don’t ask for the business more, even though ourcustomers want to buy from us.Fear is the reason we don’t offer our customers additional products and services, even though they would
 The Pirate Inside
 The Pirate Inside

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Most marketing and branding books fall into one of two camps: either they are about leaders or they assume that brands can be managed by process alone. The Pirate Inside is different. It forwards the idea that brands are about people, and Challenger Brands are driven by a certain kind of person in a certain kind of way. Challenger Brands don't rely on CEOs or founders, but on the people within the organization whose personal qualities and approa
 The Art of Retail Buying
 The Art of Retail Buying

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Buying for retail is a demanding and challenging job that requires a creative flair, a strong awareness of fashion trends, life trends as well as good interpersonal and team working skills. Buyers and merchandisers have to ensure that the right merchandise is being sent to the right stores, at the right time, in the right quantities. This takes a blend of forward planning and rapid response to consumer demands. In combination with the other area


 Автор: Andreas Wenzlau

  Mit KundenProfiling konnen Sie potenzielle Kunden genau und treffsicher analysieren. Sie erhalten Hypothesen uber deren Markte, Strukturen, Probleme, Wunsche und Bedurfnisse bis hin zu ganz personlichen Eigenschaften Ihres Ansprechpartners. Daraus lassen sich zuverlassige Kernaussagen ableiten, die Ihnen eine prazise Ansprache Ihrer Kunden und eine deutlich hohere Erfolgsquote in der Akquise ermoglichen. Das Buch richtet sich an Geschaftsleiter,
 Professionelles Kundenmanagement
 Professionelles Kundenmanagement

 Автор: Gunter Hofbauer

  Kundenmanagement ist eine zentrale Aufgabe in allen modernen Unternehmen. Optimal wirksam wird es aber nur, wenn man alle Dimensionen des Kundenmanagements berucksichtigt: Analyse, Kommunikation, Kooperation, Vertriebsorientierung und Serviceorientierung. Dieses Buch vermittelt dem Leser ein umfassendes Verstandnis der kundenbezogenen Prozesse. Kompakt, leicht lesbar und verstandlich stellt es die Grundlagen des kundenorientierten Beziehungsmana
 Account Management
 Account Management

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The sales function is the front-line of any business. Keeping up with the latest sales techniques is essential, as well as ensuring you have a motivated, incentivised and focused sales team well-versed in the basics of selling, from identifying new prospects and getting repeat business to closing the deal. This module gives essential insight into all the key sales drivers such as account management, handling complex sales, selling services, FMCG
 Inbound Selling
 Inbound Selling

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Change the way you think about sales to sell more, and sell better. Over the past decade, Inbound Marketing has changed the way companies earn buyers’ trust and build their brands – through meaningful, helpful content. But with that change comes unprecedented access to information in a few quick keystrokes. Enter the age of the empowered buyer, one who no longer has to rely on a sales rep to research their challenges or learn more about how a co
 Rigorous Magic
 Rigorous Magic

 Автор: Jim Taylor

  In the marketing world, communication ideas are revered for their magical ability to affect how consumers behave towards brands. Despite this, they are poorly understood. How many types are there? What are their characteristics? How should you use them? And what makes a good one? Most marketers simply cannot answer these questions. Rigorous Magic answers these questions, bringing science to the art of ideas. Jim Taylor and Steve Hatch dispel the
 Branding Governance
 Branding Governance

 Автор: Nicholas Ind

  Branding Governance challenges traditional thinking on brands. Bestselling author Nicholas Ind and cross-cultural communications expert Rune Bjerke expose the flaws in a marketing-led approach to brand-building, and offer in its place a highly-participative, organization-wide process that delivers fulfillment to employees and value to customers. Drawing on a wide range of sources, they show that the key to a participatory approach is that custom
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