How to create a successful promotional product campaign for any business According to award-winning direct marketer Mitch Carson, business owners and marketers should understand the value of using promotional items for business growth, and how to create successful promotional product campaigns. In The Silent Salesmen, Carson introduces his proven, simple promotional product strategies that are guaranteed to increase sales and profits. Business o ...
If you work in a small business, you have to know how to sell. Full stop. But selling as most people know it doesn’t work anymore. It’s relationships that count. Real selling is about understanding customers’ goals and helping them to buy, not topping off a template presentation with a pushy attitude. So how do you put relationships first and still get results? Sales Therapy smashes the age-old sales model with an effective new approach grounded ...
“Through engaging and direct analysis, Joanne Thomas Yaccato has drawn the line clearly for businesses—any successful client relationship strategy must consider the unique perspectives of women. Small, medium and large organizations can benefit from her witty and poignant observations.” David I. McKay, Group Head, Canadian Banking, RBC “In a lifestyle based company, Joanne’s thoughts come at you like a ‘best friend’ who’s not afraid to keep you ...
Praise for Winning At Retail «Winning at Retail offers the most effective strategies available for retailers. At McDonald's, the 'Quick-EST' model is crucial, because being close and convenient to where our customers live, work, and shop helps us create maximum value. If you want to harness your company's strengths to become a leader in your category-and stay in tune with what your customers want-this is the book for you.» -Jim Rand, Senior Vice ...
An enlightening blueprint of the secrets of reaching female consumers from the expert Just Ask a Woman is a powerful book about how to tap into female consumers' needs. Mary Quinlan, the founder of the premiere consultancy dedicated to marketing to women, has personally interviewed 3,000 women in the course of her research for Just Ask a Woman. Women are the decision-makers in an estimated eighty-five percent of household buying decisions, and y ...
Public Relations in Asia Pacific reflects the growing professionalism in the practice of public relations in the world’s fastest expanding economy. It is a carefully drawn road map, both strategically and tactically, for all manner of entities, for profit and not-for-profit on how to establish and maintain effective relationships with their numerous stakeholders. Particularly insightful are the many examples of public relations in action within ...
A Winning Formula for Selling to Women Around the World Avon has come a long way since handing out its first perfume sample back in 1886. The company, long famous for ringing customer doorbells, is now the world's largest direct sales organization—with almost five million representatives in more than 140 countries. AVON: Building the World's Premier Company for Women is the first book ever to show how this cosmetics juggernaut achieved such incr ...
Sales training doesn’t develop sales champions. Managers do. The secret to developing a team of high performers isn’t more training but better coaching. When managers effectively coach their people around best practices, core competencies and the inner game of coaching that develops the champion attitude, it makes your training stick. With Keith Rosen’s coaching methodology and proven L.E.A.D.S. Coaching Framework™ used by the world’s top organi ...
In Customer Experience Management, renowned consultant and marketing thinker Bernd Schmitt follows up on his groundbreaking book Experiential Marketing by introducing a new and visionary approach to marketing called customer experience management (CEM). In this book, Schmitt demonstrates how to put his CEM framework to work in any organization to spur growth, increase revenues, and transform the image of your company and its brands. From retail ...