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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Управление бизнесом
 Designing the Customer-Centric Organization
 Designing the Customer-Centric Organization

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Designing the Customer-Centric Organization offers todaya??s business leaders a comprehensive customer-centric organizational model that clearly shows how to put in place an infrastructure that is organized around the demands of the customer. Written by Jay Galbraith (the foremost expert in the field of organizational design), this important book includes a tool that will help determine how customer-centric an organization is- light-level, mediu
 101 Activities for Teaching Creativity and Problem Solving
 101 Activities for Teaching Creativity and Problem Solving

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Employees who possess problem-solving skills are highly valued in today?s competitive business environment. The question is how can employees learn to deal in innovative ways with new data, methods, people, and technologies? In this groundbreaking book, Arthur VanGundy – a pioneer in the field of idea generation and problem solving – has compiled 101 group activities that combine to make a unique resource for trainers, facilitators, and human re
 The Executive's Guide to Information Technology
 The Executive's Guide to Information Technology

 Автор: John Baschab

  The Executive's Guide to Information Technology is a sophisticated and comprehensive guide to running a cost-effective, efficient, and business delivery-focused corporate Information Technology (IT) unit. Eschewing the theoretical for the practical, the book gives managers the guidance they need to handle any problem effectively. It provides specific policies, approaches, and tools for each critical IT management functiono from application manag

 The A to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility
 The A to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility

 Автор: Dirk Matten

  This is the world’s first complete reference on CSR, compiled by the Institute for Corporate Cultural Affairs (the ICCA). The entries have been written by leading experts, leading global thinkers and CSR practitioners. In these pages lie the answers to questions such as: What do we mean by CSR? In what way are organizations viewed as citizens of the countries in which they operate? How does a company know when it is operating in a sustainable wa
 The Future of the Multinational Company
 The Future of the Multinational Company

 Автор: Julian Birkinshaw

  Recent Events -from September 11, to the anti-globalization protests to the collapse of the high-tech boom have accentuated the sense that the global economy is moving into uncharted waters Bringing together the leading authorities on globalization and international business The Future of the Multinational Company looks ahead to the new challenges facing multinational firms and predicts what the multinational company will look like in ten years
 The Art of Decision Making
 The Art of Decision Making

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Science reassures, art disturbs (Proverb) This intriguing exploration of underlying forces in decision making takes as its starting point a wealth of high profile decision disasters. In brilliantly readable analyses, Helga Drummond shows how better awareness of the inherent uncertainties of the decision making process could have made the outcomes very different. Examples showcased include: The Hatfield rail crash The Kursk submarine disaster The
 How Societies Embrace Information Technology
 How Societies Embrace Information Technology

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This book discusses how computers are shaping contemporary society, with a tight focus on the role of corporations and governments. It is aimed at government policymakers interested in economic development and at private-sector managers who routinely make decisions to acquire and use information technology, now a worldwide expenditure of over $2 trillion annually. The book will also interest a wide range of academics concerned with the sociology
 Strategic Change Management in the Public Sector
 Strategic Change Management in the Public Sector

 Автор: Francesco Longo

  The ability to manage change-management processes depends on individual skills and organisational culture. These skills have to be increased and practiced; in this perspective, the reading and analysis of this casebook can generate mental training about innovation. In order to look for common problems and solutions for implementing managerial development, a rich portfolio of European cases, with at least one representative for every European com
 International and US IPO Planning
 International and US IPO Planning

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Praise for International and U.S. IPO Planning «Perhaps the greatest value of Frederick Lipman's new book on initial public offerings derives—as its title indicates—from the emphasis that it places on planning. Lipman makes abundantly clear that an IPO is not something to be rushed into by every fledgling firm, as was typical during the dot.com boom of the late 1990s. Indeed, his extensive treatment of the many aspects of preparing a company for
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