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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Управление бизнесом
 Security Risk Management Body of Knowledge
 Security Risk Management Body of Knowledge

 Автор: Julian Talbot

  A framework for formalizing risk management thinking in today?s complex business environment Security Risk Management Body of Knowledge details the security risk management process in a format that can easily be applied by executive managers and security risk management practitioners. Integrating knowledge, competencies, methodologies, and applications, it demonstrates how to document and incorporate best-practice concepts from a range of comple
 Business Solutions for the Global Poor
 Business Solutions for the Global Poor

 Автор: Gustavo Herrero

  Based on research presented at The Harvard Business School’s first-ever conference on business approaches to poverty alleviation, Business Solutions for the Global Poor brings together perspectives from leading academics and corporate, non-profit and public sector managers. The contributors draw on practical and dynamic how-to insights from leading BOP ventures from more than twenty countries world-wide. This important volume reflects poverty’s
 From Business Strategy to IT Action
 From Business Strategy to IT Action

 Автор: Tom Bugnitz

  From Business Strategy to IT Action gives companies of all sizes the tools to effectively link IT to business strategy and produce effective, actionable strategies for bottom-line results. The authors present CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, and IT managers with a powerful and accessible resource packed with such useful material as: * The Strategy-to-Bottom-Line Value Chain, which integrates the management practices relating to planning, prioritization, alignm

 Business Valuation Body of Knowledge Workbook
 Business Valuation Body of Knowledge Workbook

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Sample exam questions and updated information on the latest developments in the field for valuation candidates and professionals Includes questions and exercises that typically appear on accreditation exams Covers the most frequently encountered errors on reports and in examinations Reflects the latest business valuation developments, viewpoints, court case references, and data resources Contains hundreds of multiple-choice and true/false questi
 Private Equity as an Asset Class
 Private Equity as an Asset Class

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Guy Fraser-Sampson draws upon twenty years' private equity experience to provide a practical guide to mastering the intricacies of this highly specialist asset class. Aimed equally at investors, professionals and business school students, it starts with such fundamental questions as «what is private equity?» and progresses to detailed analysis of venture and buyout returns. It also unveils a totally new concept which looks set to revolutionise t
 Creating Value in a Regulated World
 Creating Value in a Regulated World

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This book is about championing a move away from simply evaluating physical assets to understanding and evaluating the intangible value of an entity. It means moving beyond economic theory to reprioritise and change the organisation so that further value can be created via processes, systems, measures, skills, knowledge and strategy. It is also about mapping the intangible value chain. The book looks at value networks and, using real-life project
 The Human Resource Professional's Career Guide
 The Human Resource Professional's Career Guide

 Автор: Jeanne Palmer

  Written by Jeanne Palmer, one of the superstars of HR recruiting and consulting, The Human Resource Professional’s Career Guide is the first ever comprehensive look at the choices, challenges, and rewards of building a life’s work in HR. Whether you are new to the field or you are wondering how to best leverage the value of all your experiences to make the next big career leap, this book gives you all the information you need to know to make sma
 Risk Management and Shareholders' Value in Banking
 Risk Management and Shareholders' Value in Banking

 Автор: Andrea Sironi

  This book presents an integrated framework for risk measurement, capital management and value creation in banks. Moving from the measurement of the risks facing a bank, it defines criteria and rules to support a corporate policy aimed at maximizing shareholders' value. Parts I – IV discuss different risk types (including interest rate, market, credit and operational risk) and how to assess the amount of capital they absorb by means of up-to-date
 Sarbanes-Oxley and the Board of Directors
 Sarbanes-Oxley and the Board of Directors

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Sarbanes-Oxley and the Board of Directors is a practical, down-to-earth guide for board members. It covers everything from board basics to compliance with regulations, corporate culture and values to assessing and reacting to hostile shareholder activities. Complete with real-world examples, vignettes, case studies, and other information, this guide helps board members, CEOs, CFOs, and others understand their responsibilities and potential liabi
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