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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Управление бизнесом
 The Analytics Lifecycle Toolkit
 The Analytics Lifecycle Toolkit

 Автор: Группа авторов

  An evidence-based organizational framework for exceptional analytics team results The Analytics Lifecycle Toolkit provides managers with a practical manual for integrating data management and analytic technologies into their organization. Author Gregory Nelson has encountered hundreds of unique perspectives on analytics optimization from across industries; over the years, successful strategies have proven to share certain practices, skillsets, e
 Mind Tools for Managers
 Mind Tools for Managers

 Автор: Julian Birkinshaw

  The manager's must-have guide to excelling in all aspects of the job Mind Tools for Managers helps new and experienced leaders develop the skills they need to be more effective in everything they do. It brings together the 100 most important leadership skills—as voted for by 15,000 managers and professionals worldwide—into a single volume, providing an easy-access solutions manual for people wanting to be the best manager they can be. Each chapt
 The Trusted Firm
 The Trusted Firm

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The consulting industry has been on a roller-coaster ride since the heady days of the 1990s. After a recession triggered by the dotcom crash, it's now growing rapidly again–but in a market that has changed beyond all recognition. Fees are down, buying is centralized and many clients are ex-consultants who know all the tricks of the trade. It's a hostile environment in which great personal qualities are no longer enough–consultants need trusted f


 Автор: Kent Wertime

  We are all DigiMarketers now – or we should be. The authors have for the first time provided a lucid, hype-free, business-based and practical guide to the new age of marketing: it is a kind of digital Baedeker, which should be on every businessman's book-shelf. —Miles Young, Chairman, Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific «The digital frontier is now the center of our universe. As Kent Wertime and Ian Fenwick show, marketers must seize this digital oppor

 Автор: Michel Syrett

  There never has been a time when changes in taste, social outlook and lifestyle have been faster and more fundamental. Coolsearch shows that the revolution that is going on inside the workplace and that which is taking place in the marketplace are two sides of the same coin. Traditional divisions between work and play and between home and the office are being eroded. Twenties-somethings are using their mastery of new technology to transform prod
 Life Balance
 Life Balance

 Автор: Группа авторов

  A popular aphorism suggests that in the end, no one ever regretted not spending more time in the office. Yet during our lives and careers we often seem to confuse our priorities, shifting our focus so that we end up with clients whom we know extremely well and families who are de facto strangers. In this book, widely renowned consultant Alan Weiss—cited as «a worldwide expert in executive education» in Success Magazine—tells how to blend life, w
 Fashion Marketing
 Fashion Marketing

 Автор: Группа авторов

  ‘Clothing that is not purchased or worn is not fashion’ (to paraphrase Armani) Knowledge of marketing is essential to help ensure success and reduce the risk of failure in fashion. For the designer starting up in business, this book offers a guide to the major decisions that will enable you to fulfil your creative potential and be a financial success: What are the major trends we should be monitoring?; How should we set our prices?; What is the
 Knowledge Management
 Knowledge Management

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Response Ability
 Response Ability

 Автор: Группа авторов

  A clear, practical approach to making your organization more responsive to change Response Ability: The Language, Structure, and Culture of the Agile Enterprise helps companies keep up with an ever-changing business environment driven by the explosion and rapid application of new knowledge and increasing connectivity and communication. This twenty-first-century business primer identifies corporate characteristics that facilitate change and shows
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