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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Управление бизнесом

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Practical advice for your personal journey, from a self-made billionaire Business-Do is your personal handbook for achieving happiness by systematically turning your dreams into reality. Success looks different to everyone, but author Hiroshi Mikitani exemplifies its essential, universal qualities: as the founder and CEO of Rakuten, Mikitani is a self-made entrepreneur who became Japan's leader in the new global economy—a journey that made him a
 Team Building
 Team Building

 Автор: Edgar Schein H.

  This book is filled with the concepts, ideas, and practical suggestions that are needed for any manager to have at hand if he or she is a member or creator of a committee, team, task-force, or any other activity involving collaboration among several people. The ideas are proven by several decades of experience and well-supported in the text with numerous examples.
 Managing Scientists
 Managing Scientists

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This updated edition provides managers with a practical guide focused on the particular management needs for research and development in biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. It offers a way to improve the quality of interactions and creativity output in R&D, with real life case studies to illustrate key points.

 Balanced Scorecard
 Balanced Scorecard

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This book provides an easy-to-follow roadmap for successfully implementing the Balanced Scorecard methodology in small- and medium-sized companies. Building on the success of the first edition, the Second Edition includes new cases based on the author's experience implementing the balanced scorecard at government and nonprofit agencies. It is a must-read for any organization interested in achieving breakthrough results.
 Shared Services
 Shared Services

 Автор: Daniel C. Melchior, Jr.

  Praise for Shared Services A Manager's Journey «In Shared Services: A Manager's Journey, Dan presents the real business cultural challenges along with human factors when taking on such a change in a company's processes. A must-read for any executive, manager, or team member who is considering, decided to, or is already in the process of converting a company from a decentralized organization to a shared services environment.» -Katherine M. Ericss
 Master Scheduling
 Master Scheduling

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Master scheduling is an essential planning tool that helps manufacturers synchronize their production cycle with actual market demand. The third edition of this easy-to-follow handbook helps you understand the basic and more advanced concepts of master scheduling, from implementation to capacity planning to final assembly techniques. Packed with handy checklists and examples, Master Scheduling, Third Edition delivers guidelines and techniques fo
 Fearless Consulting
 Fearless Consulting

 Автор: Erik de Haan

  The history of consulting dates back to the original ‘intervention’ of the serpent in the Garden of Eden, and today's consultants have just as dubious a reputation. They are tempted by flattery and over-assessment of their abilities, and run the risks of uncertainty, responsibility without authority and loss of control. In order to steer a middle course, they must understand their own intention as consultants. Fearless Consulting clearly demonst
 Enterprise Transformation
 Enterprise Transformation

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This landmark book begins with the premise that an organization must often fundamentally transform its business practices and organizational culture to fully align with and realize the value of product and process innovations. The methods and practices that are set forth give readers the tools to create the essential organizational transformations needed to meet the challenges of a complex, rapidly evolving global economy. Enterprise Transformat
 Results that Matter
 Results that Matter

 Автор: David Swain

  Today's communities—whether they are currently strong, or struggling to survive—face difficult challenges if they want to be tomorrow's healthy, vibrant communities. The challenge for leaders and citizens of modern communities is not just to solve specific problems today. Their real challenge is to keep learning from their experience so they can keep improving their communities tomorrow. Results That Matter will provide a new governance framewor
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