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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
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 Автор: Валерия Заргарян
 Год: 2020

  Когда твоя жизнь переворачивается с ног на голову, прежним человеком ты уже никогда не станешь. Ты будешь смотреть по-другому на мир, людей, различные ситуации. Так случилось и с Изабеллой, которая потеряла дорогого ей человека. Хоть она с ним сильно близка не была, но она до сих пор пережить этого не может. Что делать, если друзья предают? А в существование любви она и вовсе не верит. Возможно ли такое, что она изменит свое мнение об этом? Глав
 Restaging the Past
 Restaging the Past

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Restaging the Past is the first edited collection devoted to the study of historical pageants in Britain, ranging from their Edwardian origins to the present day. Across Britain in the twentieth century, people succumbed to ‘pageant fever’. Thousands dressed up in historical costumes and performed scenes from the history of the places where they lived, and hundreds of thousands more watched them. These pageants were one of the most significan
 Mudras of Indian Dance
 Mudras of Indian Dance

 Автор: Revital Carroll

  Drawn from two of the most important ancient texts on the subject, the Natya Shastra and the Abhinaya Darpana, this attractive set of user-friendly cards shows the 52 fundamental hand mudras used in Indian dance and theatre. These gestures provide the basis for an entire language of hand articulation. Each card presents a full-colour image of the mudra with Sanskrit name, transliteration and English translation, as well as concise information on

 Thomas Vinterberg's Festen (<i>The Celebration)</i>
 Thomas Vinterberg's Festen (The Celebration)

 Автор: C. Claire Thomson

  Danish filmmaker Thomas Vinterberg's searing film Festen (&#65533;The Celebration&#65533;) was the first film from the Dogme 95 stable. Adhering to Dogme's cinematic purity &#65533; no artificial lighting, no superficial action, no credit for the director, and only handheld cameras for equipment &#65533; Festen was a commercial and critical success, winning the Jury Prize at Cannes in 1998 and garnering worldwide attent
 Lone Scherfig's Italian for Beginners
 Lone Scherfig's Italian for Beginners

 Автор: Mette Hjort

  Lone Scherfig was the first of a number of women directors to take up the challenge of Dogme, the back-to-basics, manifesto-based, rule-governed, and now globalized film initiative introduced by Danish filmmakers Lars von Trier and Thomas Vinterberg in 1995. Entitled Italiensk for begyndere (Italian for Beginners), Scherfig's Dogme film transformed this already accomplished filmmaker into one of Europe's most noteworthy women directors
 Nordic Exposures
 Nordic Exposures

 Автор: Arne Lunde

  Nordic Exposures explores how Scandinavian whiteness and ethnicity functioned in classical Hollywood cinema between and during the two world wars. Scandinavian identities could seem mutable and constructed at moments, while at other times they were deployed as representatives of an essential, biological, and natural category. As Northern European Protestants, Scandinavian immigrants and emigres assimilated into the mainstream rights and benefits
 Joel-Francois Durand in the Mirror Land
 Joel-Francois Durand in the Mirror Land

 Автор: Jonathan W. Bernard
 The Dance: Historic Illustrations of Dancing
 The Dance: Historic Illustrations of Dancing

 Автор: An Antiquary

  CHAPTER I <br>Egyptian, Assyrian, Hebrew and Phoenician Dancing. <br><br>CHAPTER II <br>Dancing with the Greeks. <br><br>CHAPTER III <br>Etruscan-South Italian, Roman Dancing, etc. <br><br>CHAPTER IV <br>The &quot;Early English&quot; and &quot;Mediaeval&quot; dance to the fourteenth century.<br><br>CHAPTER V <br>Society dancing from the fifteenth centur

 Автор: Gardner McFall
Показано 64 - 72 (всего 72 позиций)
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