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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 The Cultural Work
 The Cultural Work

 Автор: Corinna Campbell

  <P>How do people in an intensely multicultural city live alongside one another while maintaining clear boundaries? This question is at the core of The Cultural Work, which illustrates how the Maroons (descendants of escaped slaves) of Suriname and French Guiana, on the northern coast of South America, have used culture-representational performance to sustain their communities within Paramaribo, the capital. Focusing on three collec
 Using the Sky
 Using the Sky

 Автор: Deborah Hay

  <P>Deborah Hay is an internationally renowned dance artist whose unique approach to bodily practice has had lasting impact on American choreography. Her commitment to dance as a process is as exquisite as it is provoking. Rooted in NYC's 1960s experimental Judson Dance Theater in New York, Hay's work has evolved through experimentation with a use of language that is unique to dance. This book is an exploration and articul
 Drawing the Surface of Dance
 Drawing the Surface of Dance

 Автор: Annie-B Parson

  <P>Soloing on the page, choreographer Annie-B Parson rethinks choreography as dance on paper. Parson draws her dances into new graphic structures calling attention to the visual facts of the materiality of each dance work she has made. These drawings serve as both maps of her pieces in the aftermath of performance, and a consideration of the elements of dance itself. Divided into three chapters, the book opens with diagrams of the

 Celluloid Classicism
 Celluloid Classicism

 Автор: Hari Krishnan P.

  <P>Celluloid Classicism provides a rich and detailed history of two important modern South Indian cultural forms: Tamil Cinema and Bharatanatyam dance. It addresses representations of dance in the cinema from an interdisciplinary, critical-historical perspective. The intertwined and symbiotic histories of these forms have never received serious scholarly attention. For the most part, historians of South Indian cinema have noted the
 The Dancer Within
 The Dancer Within

 Автор: Rose Eichenbaum

  <P>The Dancer Within is a collection of photographic portraits and short essays based on confessional interviews with forty dancers and entertainers, many of them world-famous. Well-known on the concert stage, on Broadway, in Hollywood musicals, and on television, the personalities featured in this book speak with extraordinary candor about all stages of the dancer's life—from their first dance class to their signature perform
 My Body, The Buddhist
 My Body, The Buddhist

 Автор: Deborah Hay

  <P>Through a series of imaginative approaches to movement and performance, choreographer Deborah Hay presents a profound reflection on the ephemeral nature of the self and the body as the locus of artistic consciousness. Using the same uniquely playful poetics of her revolutionary choreography, she delivers one of the most revealing accounts of what art creation entails and the ways in which the body, the center of our aesthetic kn
 Making Dances That Matter
 Making Dances That Matter

 Автор: Anna Halprin

  <P>Anna Halprin, vanguard postmodern dancer turned community artist and healer, has created ground-breaking dances with communities all over the world. Here, she presents her philosophy and experience, as well as step-by-step processes for bringing people together to create dances that foster individual and group well-being. At the heart of this book are accounts of two dances: the Planetary Dance, which continues to be performed t
 Пока играет бачата
 Пока играет бачата

 Автор: Светлана Сбитнева
 Год: 2019

  "Никогда не отчаивайся!" – гласит первое правило того, кто готов бросить вызов условностям этого мира и помчаться на поиски счастья по непростому пути, ведущему к исполнению заветной мечты. София, в один прекрасный день решившая полностью изменить свою жизнь, уходит из школы, в которой она работала преподавателем английского языка, убегает от привычной скучной жизни в поисках счастья, любви и своего призвания туда, где звучит музыка. Сможет ли о
 39 Steps to Better Screenwriting
 39 Steps to Better Screenwriting

 Автор: Paul Chitlik

  This is not a beginner’s book on screenplay writing, though a beginner could read it and learn. This is a writer’s consigliere. It’s a book of advice and reflection that will kick ass against just about any screenwriting problem. It’s a series of essays on film and television writing, a deep background on very specific craft issues ranging from punctuation to meaning in your screenplay. Chapters range from “The Antagonist as a Good Guy” to how t
Показано 37 - 45 (всего 72 позиций)
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