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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Стратегический менеджмент
 The Vest Pocket Guide to Information Technology
 The Vest Pocket Guide to Information Technology

 Автор: Jae K. Shim

  The only IT guide you need You're busy-very busy. You need reliable, practical answers to your IT questions, and you need them now. The Vest Pocket Guide to Information Technology, Second Edition is a handy pocket problem-solver designed to provide you with the quickest route to a solution. Practical, reader-friendly, and thoroughly illustrated, this updated handbook provides complete guidance for the complex, ever-changing world of IT to help y
 Yes, You Can Time the Market!
 Yes, You Can Time the Market!

 Автор: Ben Stein

  Economist, actor, author, and former quiz show host Ben Stein teamed up with investment psychologist Phil DeMuth to examine a century of stock market data and discovered a profound and original investment truth: Yes, you can time the market! In their instant investment classic Yes, You Can Time the Market!, Stein and DeMuth show investors simple, readily available measurements that tell them when it's time to invest in stocks, bonds, real estate
 The Next Leap in Productivity. What Top Managers Really Need to Know about Information Technology
 The Next Leap in Productivity. What Top Managers Really Need to Know about Information Technology

 Автор: Adam Kolawa

  How much should top management really care about IT? That’s the question Adam Kolawa bluntly poses in this feisty and compelling book. “The Next Leap in Productivity” goes far beyond traditional business books written for the CIO community. It tackles crucial issues such as productivity, efficiency and quality management. It makes the case for applying the principles of Deming and Juran to software development. Then it takes a “leap,” arguing th

 Service Oriented Architecture Field Guide for Executives
 Service Oriented Architecture Field Guide for Executives

 Автор: Kyle Gabhart

  Service Oriented Architecture Field Guide for Executives is a fundamental breakthrough in the business and technology perspectives of service oriented architecture (SOA). A valuable resource to help you understand and realize the benefits of SOA in today's companies, this guide will show you how to plan, implement, and achieve SOA value. Use a prescriptive approach to help you clearly understand SOA and to determine its applications for your bus
 Performance Dashboards. Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business
 Performance Dashboards. Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Your Business

 Автор: Wayne Eckerson W.

  Tips, techniques, and trends on how to use dashboard technology to optimize business performance Business performance management is a hot new management discipline that delivers tremendous value when supported by information technology. Through case studies and industry research, this book shows how leading companies are using performance dashboards to execute strategy, optimize business processes, and improve performance. Wayne W. Eckerson (Hin
 Best Practices in Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement. A Deeper Look
 Best Practices in Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement. A Deeper Look

 Автор: Richard Schonberger J.

  Best Practices in Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement reveals how to refocus lean/six sigma processes on what author Richard Schonberger—world-renowned process improvement pioneer—calls «the Golden Goals»: better quality, quicker response, greater flexibility, and higher value. This manual shows you how it can be done, employing success stories of over 100 companies including Apple, Illinois Tool Works, Dell, Inc., and Wal-Mart, all of which have
 Современный стратегический анализ
 Современный стратегический анализ

 Автор: В. А. Ковалев
 Год: 2016

  Дисциплина «Современный стратегический анализ» относится к базовой (общепрофессиональной) части профессионального цикла дисциплин по направлению подготовки 38.04.02 «Менеджмент». Цель дисциплины – овладение теоретическими знаниями и практическими навыками в области принятия управленческих решений, сформулированных на основе проведенного стратегического анализа и направленных на стратегическое развитие организации. В учебнике изложены концепции
 Trillions. Thriving in the Emerging Information Ecology
 Trillions. Thriving in the Emerging Information Ecology

 Автор: Peter Lucas

  We are facing a future of unbounded complexity. Whether that complexity is harnessed to build a world that is safe, pleasant, humane and profitable, or whether it causes us to careen off a cliff into an abyss of mind-numbing junk is an open question. The challenges and opportunities–technical, business, and human–that this technological sea change will bring are without precedent. Entire industries will be born and others will be laid to ruin as
 Connected by Design. Seven Principles for Business Transformation Through Functional Integration
 Connected by Design. Seven Principles for Business Transformation Through Functional Integration

 Автор: Barry Wacksman

  In a world of fierce global competition and rapid technological change, traditional strategies for gaining market share and achieving efficiencies no longer yield the returns they once did. How can companies drive consumer preference and secure sustainable growth in this digital, social, and mobile age? The answer is through functional integration. Some of the world's most highly valued companies—including Amazon, Apple and Google—have harnessed
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