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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Стратегический менеджмент
 Think Like a Futurist. Know What Changes, What Doesn't, and What's Next
 Think Like a Futurist. Know What Changes, What Doesn't, and What's Next

 Автор: Cecily Sommers

  Push past resistance to discover and own new business territories Think Like a Futurist shows how to track changes, explore questions, and engage in new thinking that connects today's pressures with tomorrow's realities. Cecily Sommers shows how to apply long-term focus and strategies to needs as diverse as industry forecasts, innovation challenges, leadership development, or future-proofing a brand. By understanding intersecting potentials that
 Transforming IT Culture. How to Use Social Intelligence, Human Factors, and Collaboration to Create an IT Department That Outperforms
 Transforming IT Culture. How to Use Social Intelligence, Human Factors, and Collaboration to Create an IT Department That Outperforms

 Автор: Frank Wander

  Practical, proven guidance for transforming the culture of any IT department As more and more jobs are outsourced, and the economy continues to struggle, people are looking for an alternative to the greed-driven, selfish leadership that has resulted in corporations where the workers are treated as interchangeable parts. This book shows how the human factors can be used to unlock higher returns on human capital such that workers are no longer int
 Net Profit. How to Succeed in Digital Business
 Net Profit. How to Succeed in Digital Business

 Автор: David Soskin

  This book has been written by an experienced entrepreneur who has built a highly successful online business. He understands the challenges first hand, and gives readers invaluable advice about the how they too can make it big in the digital world. —Luke Johnson, Chairman Risk Capital partners and Financial Times columnist Online business can be a goldmine – or a minefield. David Soskin, former CEO of Cheapflights and Chairman of mySupermarket.co

 The Data Asset. How Smart Companies Govern Their Data for Business Success
 The Data Asset. How Smart Companies Govern Their Data for Business Success

 Автор: Tony Fisher

  An indispensable guide that shows companies how to treat data as a strategic asset Organizations set their business strategy and direction based on information that is available to executives. The Data Asset provides guidance for not only building the business case for data quality and data governance, but also for developing methodologies and processes that will enable your organization to better treat its data as a strategic asset. Part of Wil
 The New Technology Elite. How Great Companies Optimize Both Technology Consumption and Production
 The New Technology Elite. How Great Companies Optimize Both Technology Consumption and Production

 Автор: Vinnie Mirchandani

  How-to guidance for optimizing incumbent technologies to deliver a better product and gain competitive advantage Their zip codes are far from Silicon Valley. Their SIC codes show retail, automobile or banking. But industry after industry is waking up to the opportunity of «smart» products and services for their increasingly tech-savvy customers. Traditionally technology buyers, they are learning to embed technology in their products and become t
 Start at the End. How Companies Can Grow Bigger and Faster by Reversing Their Business Plan
 Start at the End. How Companies Can Grow Bigger and Faster by Reversing Their Business Plan

 Автор: David Lavinsky

  Re-focus your business plan and achieve the success your business deserves Business owners, and their teams, often lose their way in the midst of the day-to-day stress of generating sales and profits. Whether your goal is selling millions of your product, expanding operations to a new location, or generating more profits, Start at the End offers a unique approach and action steps for business owners and entrepreneurs to redevelop your business p
 Unleashing the Power of IT. Bringing People, Business, and Technology Together
 Unleashing the Power of IT. Bringing People, Business, and Technology Together

 Автор: Dan Roberts

  Timely guidance for transforming IT into a strategic business partner Today's leaders are expected to reduce costs, increase productivity, drive innovation and help the business identify and pursue new business opportunities. Successful IT leaders will be the ones that become strategic business partners and decision influencers in their organizations. Unleashing the Power of IT describes in actionable detail, the new mindset, core skill set, and
 Business Dashboards. A Visual Catalog for Design and Deployment
 Business Dashboards. A Visual Catalog for Design and Deployment

 Автор: Manish Bansal

  Focusing on designing the right dashboards for use in an organization, this timely, full color book reveals how to successfully deploy dashboards by building the optimal software architecture and dashboard design. In addition, it describes the value of this popular technology to a business and how it can have a significant impact on performance improvement. A unique collection of more than 120 dashboard images are organized by category. One of t
 Own the Future. 50 Ways to Win from The Boston Consulting Group
 Own the Future. 50 Ways to Win from The Boston Consulting Group

 Автор: David Rhodes

  The world faces social, political, and economic turmoil on an unprecedented scale—along with unsettling levels of turbulence and volatility. Market leadership today is less of a predictor of leadership tomorrow. Therefore, senior executives today must strive to own the future. In Own the Future, The Boston Consulting Group, one of the world’s most prestigious and innovative management consulting firms, offers a roadmap. Drawing on the firm’s exp
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