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Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Acura RDX c 2019 по 2022 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 The Chemistry of Medical and Dental Materials
 The Chemistry of Medical and Dental Materials

 Автор: John W Nicholson

 Автор: Ольга Гурова
 Год: 2018

  В пособии представлены современные данные по анатомии пищеварительной и дыхательной систем, мочеполового аппарата и эндокринных органов человека, а также о развитии внутренностей и их функциональном значении. Авторы использовали наглядный иллюстративный материал, включающий оригинальные рисунки, существенно облегчающий восприятие материала студентами. Книга снабжена терминологическим словарем и предметным указателем. Содержание пособия соответ
 Dental Care (Speedy Study Guide)
 Dental Care (Speedy Study Guide)

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  Caring for your teeth is important and learning the proper way to conduct your oral hygiene routine is essential. A dental care guide will teach you the basics to keeping your teeth healthy. Knowing how often and when to brush/floss your teeth is important as is learning how often and when you should visit your dentist's office. Using your dental care guide will help you establish good oral habits.

 Dental Anatomy
 Dental Anatomy

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

 Dental Anatomy Speedy Study Guides
 Dental Anatomy Speedy Study Guides

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  Dental anatomy addresses the composition and treatment of components within the mouth. It also micro-analyzes all aspects of teeth including, type, function, nerves and typical layers. A concise dental anatomy pamphlet will provide illustrated cross-sections of teeth and all structures involved in dentistry. Full color dental anatomy pamphlets are some of the most helpful aids in studying aspects of biology and dentistry.
 Dental Anatomy (Speedy Study Guides)
 Dental Anatomy (Speedy Study Guides)

 Автор: Speedy Publishing

  The study of dental anatomy involves learning about the intricate parts of the oral cavity, especially the teeth and gums. Understanding nearby body parts such as the jawbone, palate and tongue is also involved in the study of dental anatomy. Anyone who wants to have a thorough knowledge of a human's facial structure, including the mouth can learn from a dental anatomy reference guide. Students enrolled in dental assistant or hygienist educ
 Case Guides to Complete and Partial Denture Prosthodontics
 Case Guides to Complete and Partial Denture Prosthodontics

 Автор: Robin Wilding

  Case-based dentistry resource details the art of crafting basic to complex dental prosthodontics Case Guides to Complete and Partial Denture Prosthodontics by prosthodontist and educator Robin Wilding is designed to take dental students on a progressive journey through a sequence of case guides that are based on actual patient scenarios. This comprehensive resource presents clinical challenges in stepwise increments, starting with a one-t
 Pocket Atlas of Oral Diseases
 Pocket Atlas of Oral Diseases

 Автор: George Laskaris

  The complete pictorial guide to oral diseases, a pocket-sized bestseller now in its third edition Laskaris' Pocket Atlas of Oral Diseases is a practical interdisciplinary pocket reference for dentists, dermatologists, otolaryngologists, primary care practitioners, and dental and medical students. This popular book provides comprehensive guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of an exhaustive range of oral diseases. The fully revise
 Oral Surgery for Dental Students
 Oral Surgery for Dental Students

 Автор: Jeffrey A. Elo

  Portable, user-friendly reference covers the most essential oral surgery information! Oral Surgery for Dental Students: A Quick Reference Guide by nationally recognized oral and maxillofacial surgeons and educators Jeffrey A. Elo and Alan S. Herford focuses on essential oral surgery-related topics and management of patients in general dental practice. Well-rounded perspectives are reflected in contributions from dental students, an oral a
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