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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Anatomy for Dental Medicine in Your Pocket
 Anatomy for Dental Medicine in Your Pocket

 Автор: Eric W. Baker

  Exquisitely illustrated portable anatomical study tool a must-have for dental students[/b] Anatomy for Dental Medicine in Your Pocket by Eric Baker and Johanna Warshaw is based on Professor Baker's award-winning textbook Anatomy for Dental Medicine and the work of Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte, and Udo Schumacher. The book is organized into 13 chapters covering the skull, the vertebral column, the brain and spinal cord, the neck, the
 Orthodontic Therapy
 Orthodontic Therapy

 Автор: Andrea Wichelhaus

  Created in the tradition and style of Thieme's renowned Dental Atlas series, and the product of many years of research and practical experience, Orthodontic Therapy covers the basics of the diagnosis, prevention, and correction of malpositioned teeth and jaws. Clear and concise texts, and thousands of accurate and rich illustrations, most in full color and presented in Thieme's award-winning two-page spreads, make for efficient and p
 Antiresorptive Drug-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ARONJ) - A Guide to Research
 Antiresorptive Drug-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ARONJ) - A Guide to Research

 Автор: Группа авторов

  A collaboration between some of the leading international experts in the field, AOCMF proudly presents Antiresorptive Drug-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (ARONJ)-a Guide to Research , which unravels the many biologic processes and risk factors associated with this debilitating condition. With its unknown pathophysiology, lack of established management regimens, and because of the millions of patients currently taking antiresorptive agents, t

 Orthodontic Postgraduate Education: A Global Perspective
 Orthodontic Postgraduate Education: A Global Perspective

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Orthodontic Postgraduate Education: A Global Perspective is the first book of its kind to report on the global educational environment in orthodontics and review the structure and function of postgraduate orthodontic programs in different parts of the world. It begins with an overview of the history and current state of orthodontic education, and then describes the academic, clinical, and research components of orthodontic specialty programs in
 Anatomy for Dental Medicine, Latin Nomenclature
 Anatomy for Dental Medicine, Latin Nomenclature

 Автор: Eric Baker

  Anatomy for Dental Medicine, Latin Nomenclature, combines award-winning, full-color illustrations, explanatory text, and summary tables to guide the reader through the complex anatomy of the head and neck as well as other body regions relevant to dental medicine. Each region is arranged in a user-friendly format beginning with the skeletal framework. The musculature is then added, followed by the neurovasculature, and finally, topographic anatom

 Автор: Hans-Peter Mueller

  "The author has identified a need for up-to-date information to be made available as a compendium to standard textbooks in periodontology, and [succeeds] in fulfilling the stated aims of the book."—Stephen Chen, Australian Orthodontic Journal Periodontology—The Essentials provides readers with up-to-date information on the anatomy and physiology of the oral cavity as well as the latest methods for diagnosis, prevention, and therapy of perio
 Dental Radiology
 Dental Radiology

 Автор: Andreas Fuhrmann

  Dental Radiology is an excellent guide book for both dental students and practicing dentists. Students will benefit from practical guidance on how and when to use the various imaging methods presented as well as key information on fundamental concepts. For experienced dentists, the book is a valuable guide for image analysis, interpretation of radiologic findings, and diagnosis of pathological changes. Modern imaging methods, the fundamentals of
 Anatomy for Dental Medicine
 Anatomy for Dental Medicine

 Автор: Michael Schuenke

  Anatomy for Dental Medicine, Second Edition , combines award-winning, full-color illustrations, explanatory text, and summary tables to guide the reader through the complex anatomy of the head and neck. Each region is arranged in a user-friendly format beginning with the skeletal framework. The musculature is then added, followed by the neurovasculature, and finally, topographic anatomy shows all structures in situ.Anatomy for Dental Medicine in
 Caries Management - Science and Clinical Practice
 Caries Management - Science and Clinical Practice

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Covering the science behind the diseasea comprehensive approach to modern caries managementThis systematic approach to modern caries management combines new, evidence-based treatment techniques with the scientific underpinnings of caries formationproviding an in-depth review for both clinicians in daily practice and students advancing in the field.Beginning with patho-anatomic changes in the dental hard tissues, Dental Caries: Science and Clinic
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