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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Self-ligating Brackets in Orthodontics
 Self-ligating Brackets in Orthodontics

 Автор: Bjoern Ludwig

  Offering advantages in design, efficiency, treatment time, and retention, self-ligating brackets have become a major part of modern orthodontic practice. <em>Self-Ligating Brackets in Orthodontics: Current Concepts and Techniques</em> summarizes all information and clinical studies on these popular systems, integrating them with the authors' practical, hands-on experience. From materials and mechanics, to diagnostic and therapeu

 Автор: Hans-Peter Mueller

  This concise summary of the practice of periodontology provides an excellent review of the physiology of the oral cavity, the newest information on diagnosis and therapy of periodontologic diseases, and the theoretical basics.Practice-related parallel topics such as trauma, material incompatibility, emergency treatment, and antibiotic therapy are covered as well.This is an excellent guide for dentists and oral surgeons involved in the treatment
 Pocket Atlas of Dental Radiology
 Pocket Atlas of Dental Radiology

 Автор: Friedrich A. Pasler

  In this age of highly specialized medical imaging, an examination of the teeth and alveolar bone is almost unthinkable without the use of radiographs. This highly informative and easy-to-read book with a collection of 798 radiographs, tables, and photos provides a myriad of problem-solving tips concerning the fundamentals of radiographic techniques, quality assurance, image processing, radiographic anatomy, and radiographic diagnosis. Informatio

 Color Atlas of Oral Diseases in Children and Adolescents
 Color Atlas of Oral Diseases in Children and Adolescents

 Автор: George Laskaris

  Children and adolescents are affected by a large range of diseases with oral manifestations that may not be seen in adults. Such diseases include viral and bacterial infections, but many other conditions as well, for example, after swallowing caustic liquids. As with the author's immensely successful Color Atlas of Oral Diseases, this new work is lavishly illustrated with high-quality color photographs, providing the reader with an at-a-gla
 Aesthetic Dentistry
 Aesthetic Dentistry

 Автор: J. Schmidseder

  In today's modern dental practice, the patient's role has changed–from petitioner seeking pain relief to client requesting a wide range of services, including improved looks. Often the patient will decide between amalgam, gold, composite or ceramics as the material of choice for a posterior tooth restoration, or have a say in the processing method used for its fabrication!This lavishly illustrated new volume in the prestigious Color At
 TMJ Disorders and Orofacial Pain
 TMJ Disorders and Orofacial Pain

 Автор: Axel Bumann

  The treatment of temporomandibular disorders requires a multidisciplinary approach, involving the participation of dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, radiologists, and others. This lavishly illustrated text/atlas provides a wealth of valuable information for specialists who need to enhance their understanding of TMJ disorders. TMJ Disorders and Orofacial Pain is the invaluable diagnostic guide all dentists and related specialists need to
 Oral Development and Histology
 Oral Development and Histology

 Автор: James K. Avery

  Now in a revised and updated third edition, this classic text is the first student-oriented book on the important subject of oral development and histology. For the first time, full color illustrations and histologic radiographs are included to complement and support the expertly written text. The book covers the whole field of oral development and histology, addressing topics such as crown formation, root structures, wound healing, histology of
 Color Atlas of Dental Medicine: Periodontology
 Color Atlas of Dental Medicine: Periodontology

 Автор: Herbert F. Wolf

  Rateitschak's extraordinary atlas, universally recognized as the pre-eminent work in periodontology, is back in a brand new edition! With an emphasis on the most rigorously documental scientific and clinical advances, presented in concise text and exquisitely detailed photographs, the book will quickly become a cherished classic in the library of all practitioners.This new edition has been updated to include new developments in every aspect
 Pocket Atlas of Endodontics
 Pocket Atlas of Endodontics

 Автор: Rudolf Beer

  Endodontology has seen enormous advances in recent years. New high-tech tools, such as operative microscopes in combination with ultrasound and nickel-titanium files, make possible a high-level of quality in treatment with excellent long-term treatment results. Regular updating of knowledge is indispensable for every practitioner. This book provides a fast and up-to-date orientation of the entire area of endodontology. Didactic concept: The clas
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