A nine-month business dealBree Tucker’s company is her everything. So when she becomes pregnant after a fling, she knows she can’t be a mother. But the father, Nick Harmon, vows to raise the child on his own. Fine by Bree. But could nine months with him by her side change her mind? ...
The Highlanders Collection – Seven Rugged Historical Highland HeroesCLAIMED BY THE HIGHLAND WARRIOR by Michelle WillinghamBram MacKinloch has spent seven long, torturous years in captivity, with only three things to keep him alive: pure brute strength, a thirst for revenge and the memory of his pretty wife’s face. Shock is only one of the emotions coursing through Nairna’s body when she sees Bram again. A lot has changed since they so innocently ...
Bound by their miracle babyDr Michi Sato will never forget her passionate night with surgeon Eric Hart—especially as it resulted in her longed-for son. Now his heart condition means Michi must fly to New York for treatment…and tell guarded bachelor Eric he’s a father! ...
Природа Китая поистине удивительна и многообразна: бескрайние степи, величественные горы, густые леса, прекрасные реки и водопады… Лян Хэн в своих произведениях рисует замечательную картину китайских пейзажей. С любовью и трогательной нежностью он пишет о красоте родной земли, о людях, оберегающих ее природу. В этой книге вы найдете восемь тематических сборников с очерками и эссе, посвященными горам и рекам, полям и лесам, а также достопримечате ...
В Канзасе лето жарче обычного. Красный кабриолет мчится по шоссе. Из здания заброшенной скотобойни течет кровь. В тенях виднеется чей-то зловещий силуэт. Подростки хотят изменить свою жизнь. Из подвала доносятся вопли. Рождаются мечты о славе, разбиваются другие. Юная Хейли готовится к турниру по гольфу в честь своей рано ушедшей матери. Норма, оставшись одна с тремя детьми в доме, затерянном среди полей, старается сохранить мир в семье. Герои, ...
Four red-hot romances from Mills & Boon!Alexei's Passionate Revenge by Helen BianchinNatalya Montgomery had thought she was over Alexei Delandros,but working with him again rekindles old feelings and promises of the intense ardour they once shared. But if Natalya once held Alexei’s heart, now she only holds his contempt…Prince's Son of Scandal by Dani CollinsFor one night reclusive heiress Trella Sauveterre throws off the fear-ridd ...
Four tempting romances from the Modern Mills & Boon authors!The Secret He Must Claim by Chantelle ShawCarrying the Spaniard's Child by Jennie LucasA Ring for the Greek's Baby by Melanie MilburneBought for the Billionaire's Revenge by Clare Connelly ...
The latest red-hot romances from Mills & Boon Modern!Castiglione's Pregnant Princess by Lynne GrahamExpecting royal twins can only mean one thing… She must wear the Castiglione crown!Consequence of His Revenge by Dani CollinsIn debt to the billionaire… And bound for ever by his vengeance!Imprisoned by the Greek's Ring by Caitlin CrewsHis vengeance won’t be complete… …until he has her as his bride!Blackmailed into the Marriage Bed b ...
Four HOT romances to enjoy this summer!Sold for the Greek’s Heir by Lynne GrahamWith this ring…After a whirlwind affair, Greek billionaire Jax Antanakos left Lucy Dixon heartbroken and – although he didn’t know it – pregnant! Lucy is determined to make a new life with her tiny daughter, yet when Jax sweeps back into her world, she cannot mask her instant response to his seductive charisma!…I thee buy!For Jax, a ready-made heir is well worth bidd ...