A new, fully-revised and updated edition of the leading introduction to social movements and collective action – covers a broad range of approaches in the social sciences. Now in its third edition, Social Movements is the market-leading introductory text on collective action in contemporary society. The text draws from theory-driven, systematic empirical research from across the social sciences to address central questions and concepts in ...
Every day we are inundated by propaganda that claims life will be better once we are connected to digital technology. Poverty, famine, and injustice will end, and the economy will be “green.” All anyone needs is the latest smartphone. In this succinct and lively book, Maxwell and Miller take a critical look at contemporary gadgets and the systems that connect them, shedding light on environmental risks. Contrary to widespread claims, consumer ...
At the start of the twentieth century, the pre-eminent black sociologist, W.E.B. DuBois, identified the color line as America's great problem. While the color line is increasingly variegated beyond black and white, and more openly discussed than ever before as more racial and ethnic groups call America home, his words still ring true.<br /> <br /> Today, post-racial and colorblind ideals dominate the American narrative, obscurin ...
Culture, cultural difference, and cultural conflict always surround us. Cultural sociologists aim to understand their role across all aspects of social life by examining processes of meaning-making. In this crisp and accessible book, Lyn Spillman demonstrates many of the conceptual tools cultural sociologists use to explore how people make meaning. Drawing on vivid examples, she offers a compelling analytical framework within which to view the ...
Now in its fourth edition, Civil Society has become a major work of reference for those who seek to understand the role of voluntary citizen action in a troubled world. Recent economic and political developments do not bode well for the theory and practice of civil society: communities are increasingly divided; inequality is on the rise; authoritarians and populists have gained a foothold even in advanced democracies; restrictions on freedom ...
В этом блестящем и оригинальном исследовании политики и значений городских ландшафтов ведущий социолог Йоран Терборн проводит тур по важнейшим столицам мира, показывая, как они оформлялись национальной, народной и глобальной силами. Он анализирует глобальные моменты формирования городов, исторический глобализированный национализм и города современного глобального капитализма образов с их всевозможными небоскребами, закрытыми сообществами и показ ...
Монография подготовлена Центром молодежных исследований НИУ ВШЭ – Санкт-Петербург по результатам коллективного проекта «Созидательные поля межэтнического взаимодействия и молодежные культурные сцены российских городов» (2015–2017 гг.). Исследование проводилось среди молодежи четырех городов (Казани, Махачкалы, Санкт-Петербурга и Ульяновска) с использованием целого комплекса методов: опрос студентов, глубинные интервью, фокус-группы, кейсовые исс ...