Resting on a convincing body of evidence that violence is not a necessary component of conflict among states and between states and non-state actors, World BEYOND War asserts that war itself can be ended. We humans have lived without war for most of our existence and most people live without war most of the time. Warfare arose about 10,000 years ago (only 5% of our existence as Homo Sapiens) and spawned a vicious cycle as peoples, fearing attack ...
Монография посвящена актуальным проблемам анализа системы статистического учета информации о положении инвалидов, действующей политики в области обеспечения условий для успешной самореализации инвалидов. Приведены результаты статистических методов выборочного наблюдения, направленных на получение информации об основных факторах эффективной самореализации таких, как потребность инвалидов в образовании, их потенциал в сфере занятости. Результаты и ...
Anya’s Name is the story of a seven-year-old girl who is struggling to hold on to a memory. As an adopted child, she looks for help to tie her past and her present together. It is a sweet story of acceptance and resilience based on one little girl’s search for her roots and her joy in embracing her future. Anya’s Name speaks to all of us who have longed to know where we came from. It celebrates the gift of uniqueness that defines each child, an ...
When we think of gangs, we are likely overcome with images of fear and violence. But there is another side, that of the interventionists devoted to making peace in gang territories. Written by Aquil Basheer, a pioneer of the interventionist movement, Peace In the Hood takes us inside this dual world of violence and intervention, evoking the reality of gangland warfare while acknowledging the possibility of peace. Basheer has witnessed firsthand ...
Written with a warm, engaging, and passionate spirit, the Third Edition of David R. Hutchinson’s The Essential Counselor comprehensively reveals the process of becoming a counselor from start to finish. Emphasizing the importance of the therapeutic alliance, this practical book provides budding and experienced counselors with real-world examples, reflection activities, and skill-building exercises that challenge and promote the c ...
‘The freezing loneliness made one wish for death,’ journalist Joyce Sikhakhane-Rankin said of solitary confinement. With seven other women, including Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, she was held for more than a year. This is the story of these heroic women, their refusal to testify in the ‘Trial of 22’ in 1969, their brutal detention and how they picked up their lives afterwards. ...
This new edition of a widely-respected textbook examines welfare policy and racism in a broad framework that marries theory, evidence, history and contemporary debate. Fully updated, it contains: • a new foreword by Professor Kate Pickett, acclaimed co-author of The Spirit Level • two new chapters on disability and chronic illness, and UK education policy respectively • updated examples and data, reflecting changes in black and minority ethnic d ...