The book aims to promote greater understanding of social cohesion amidst existing complexities of faith and identity, and what this portends for our future. The emphasis is on the importance of engagement across beliefs and cultures, the different generations and segments of population, and the diverse interests of people in a digital and interconnected world. The policy officials, religious leaders, scholars and society-at-large will be able to ...
India is undergoing a great transition, as the post-reform generation strikes out into the world. The thinking, attitudes, culture, political preferences, consumption patterns and ambitions of the post-reform generations differ greatly from that of the earlier generations. As a consequence, the country is also witnessing rapid changes not only on the socio-political and economic fronts but also on the humanities front. This book seeks to explore ...
This is part II of “Is The Earth a Whirling Globe?”, first published in 1918. Within this volume, the author takes a look at contemporary theoretical astronomy with reference to the shape of the world, claiming and trying to prove that the world is in fact not a globe. With reference to contemporary as well as historical astronomers and others, this volume will appeal to those with an interest in the development of astronomical theories as well ...
The impact of aesthetics is increasing again. For today’s scholars, aesthetic theories are a significant companion and contribution in studying and ana-lysing cultural phenomena and production. Today’s scene of aesthetics is more global than what it is in most disciplines, as it does not just include scholars from all over the world, but also keeps on applying philosophical traditions globally ...
В монографии приводится подробное описание основных дискурсивных характеристик социальной рекламы. Достоверность выводов гарантируется большим объемом исследованного материала – около 14 000 плакатов социальной рекламы. Приводится большое количество примеров, подтверждающих выводы авторов. Выделено 7 основных рубрик, отражающих наиболее важные ценности, пропагандируемые современной социальной рекламой, и описаны их тематический состав, особеннос ...
El 26 de diciembre 1991, tuvo lugar un hecho de extraordinaria importancia en la Historia universal. Se trato de la disolucion de la Union Sovietica, un acontecimiento de enormes repercusiones que pocos habian previsto. A decir verdad, solo el historiador Andrei Amalrik y el premio Nobel Alexander Solzhenitsyn , disidentes rusos, habian tenido el valor y la vision para anunciar que semejante seismo tendria lugar. Aunque es indiscutible que la Gu ...
“Yonder” is a 1912 novel written by E. H. Young. Emily Hilda Daniell (1880–1949) was an English children's writer, novelist, mountaineer, and advocate for female suffrage who wrote under the pen name E. H. Young. Despite being almost completely unheard of now, Daniell was a celebrated author who produced numerous best sellers during her time. Her second novel, “Yonder” constitutes a must-read for those who have read and enjoyed other works ...