В монографии рассматривается актуальнейшие проблемы современной действительности – социальные эффекты и последствия пандемии COVID-19, проводится социологический анализ российского общества в условиях самоизоляции. В издании представлено авторское осмысление проблем функционирования и развития общества, вынужденного находиться на самоизоляции в период пандемии COVID-19. Значимое место уделено проблеме рискогенного влияния на социальное здоровье ...
Vegans, vegetarians, and meat eaters can feel like they’re living in different worlds. Many vegans and vegetarians struggle to feel understood and respected in a meat-eating culture, where some of their most pressing concerns and cherished beliefs are invisible, and where they are often met with defensiveness when they try to talk about the issue. They can become frustrated and struggle to feel connected with meat eaters. And meat eaters can fee ...
The blockbuster best seller Primal Leadership introduced us to «resonant» leaders–individuals who manage their own and others' emotions in ways that drive success. Leaders everywhere recognized the validity of resonant leadership, but struggled with how to achieve and sustain resonance amid the relentless demands of work and life. Now, Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee provide an indispensable guide to overcoming the vicious cycle of stress, ...
Why do advertising campaigns and new products often fail? Why do consumers feel that companies don't understand their needs? Because marketers themselves don't think deeply about consumers' innermost thoughts and feelings. Marketing Metaphoria is a groundbreaking book that reveals how to overcome this «depth deficit» and find the universal drivers of human behavior so vital to a firm's success.Marketing Metaphoria reveals the ...
Учебное пособие предлагает авторский подход к исследованию проблематики социологии международных экономических отношений, включая подробное рассмотрение роли «новой Европы» в формирующейся новой системе международных экономических отношений. Для студентов бакалавриата, обучающихся по направлению подготовки «Социология», а также широкому кругу исследователей в области гуманитарных наук, политологам, специалистам-международникам, всех, кто интере ...
“Is the Newtonian Theory True?” comprises a series of letters written by the author to various editors of scientific periodicals attempting to refute “Newtonian Theory” and other contemporary scientific ideas. Newtonian Theory refers to Newton's ideas of the laws of motion and universal gravitation that dominated scientists view of the physical universe for three centuries. This volume looks at the ideas of Newton and other historical astro ...
No one who reads this book will ever again think of his or her own death in the same way. The first part of the book consists of a thought-provoking essay, in which Fingarette examines the metaphors which mislead us: death as parting, death as sleep, immortality as the denial of death, and selflessness as a kind of consolation. He also thinks through some of the more illuminating metaphors: death as the end of the world for me, death as the conc ...