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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Книга потребностей. All you need
 Книга потребностей. All you need

 Автор: Микаэль Крогерус
 Год: 2019
 Shame and Social Work
 Shame and Social Work

 Автор: Группа авторов

  For many service users and professionals in the field of social work, shame is an ongoing part of their daily experience. Providing an in-depth examination of the complex phenomena of shame and humiliation, this book sets out key contextual issues and theoretical approaches to comprehend shame and its relevance within social work. It provides a broad understanding of shame, its underlying social and political contexts and its effects on service
 Emergency Management of the National Economy, Vol. 2
 Emergency Management of the National Economy, Vol. 2

 Автор: Industrial College of the Armed Forces

 Emergency Management of the National Economy: Volume III: Public Support , Morale, Security
 Emergency Management of the National Economy: Volume III: Public Support , Morale, Security

 Автор: Industrial College of the Armed Forces
 Emergency Management of the National Economy: Volume IV: Principles of Administration
 Emergency Management of the National Economy: Volume IV: Principles of Administration

 Автор: Industrial College of the Armed Forces
 Emergency Management of the National Economy: Volume I: The Nature of Economic Mobilization
 Emergency Management of the National Economy: Volume I: The Nature of Economic Mobilization

 Автор: Industrial College of the Armed Forces
 High John de Conquer
 High John de Conquer

 Автор: Zora Neale Hurston

  "Maybe, now, we used-to-be black African folks can be of some help to our brothers and sisters who have always been white. You will take another look at us and say that we are still black and, ethnologically speaking, you will be right. But nationally and culturally, we are as white as the next one. We have put our labor and our blood into the common causes for a long time. We have given the rest of the nation song and laughter. Maybe now,
 Why Is the Negro Lynched: An African-American Heritage Book
 Why Is the Negro Lynched: An African-American Heritage Book

 Автор: Frederick Douglass

  "Experience has taught us that it is sometimes wise and necessary to have more than two witnesses to bring out the whole truth. Especially is this the case where one of such witnesses has a powerful motive for suppressing or distorting the facts, as in this case. I therefore insist upon my right to take the witness stand and give my version of this Southern question, and though it shall widely differ from that of both the North and South, I
 Makeup Couldn't Cover These Scars
 Makeup Couldn't Cover These Scars

 Автор: Wavy Buchman

  Makeup Couldn't Cover These Scars is a true story about how I fell in love with a man who ultimately abused me every chance he could.
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