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Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Dodge Dakota с 1995 по 2000 год, электрооборудование и электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Challenging Child Protection
 Challenging Child Protection

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Challenging Child Protection offers a ground-breaking new perspective which will illuminate and improve the professional understanding and practice of social workers and child protection workers. Taking a fresh look at the principles underlying child protection, this book provides a thought-provoking analysis of the evidence base which underpins professional understanding and intervention. It outlines the ways in which agencies have worked to p
 Introducing Mental Health, Second Edition
 Introducing Mental Health, Second Edition

 Автор: Caroline Kinsella

  This popular and accessible introduction to mental health is written for students, mental health practitioners and non-qualified professionals. Fully revised, this second edition is up to date with the latest knowledge on mental health conditions, good practice and the law. The authors explain key concepts in easily understandable language, accessible even to those with no prior knowledge of the subject. They detail the major mental health dis
 Games and Activities for Attaching With Your Child
 Games and Activities for Attaching With Your Child

 Автор: Deborah D. Gray

  Packed full of great ideas for fun games and activities, this book encourages positive attachments between a parent or carer and their child. When it comes to choosing the best games to play with children who have difficulties attaching, it is often hard to know how to play with a purpose. This book contains fun, age-appropriate games along with an explanation of why they matter. All the games included are designed for specific age ranges, from

 Helping Foster Children In School
 Helping Foster Children In School

 Автор: John DeGarmo

  Helping Foster Children In School explores the challenges that foster children face in schools and offers positive and practical guidance tailored to help the parents, teachers and social workers supporting them. Children in care often perform poorly at school both in terms of their behavior and their academic performance, with many failing to complete their education. They will have often experienced trauma or neglect which can result in a nu
 Promoting Attachment With a Wiggle, Giggle, Hug and Tickle
 Promoting Attachment With a Wiggle, Giggle, Hug and Tickle

 Автор: Fiona Brownlee
 Achieving Successful Transitions for Young People with Disabilities
 Achieving Successful Transitions for Young People with Disabilities

 Автор: Natalie Lackenby

  This best practice guide provides a blueprint for managing seamless transitions between services for young people aged 16-25 with additional needs, including learning disabilities, physical disabilities, complex health needs and sensory impairments. The authors cover a wide range of transitions, including moving from children's to adult's services, from school to college, leaving education and gaining work experience and employment a
 Keeping Your Adoptive Family Strong
 Keeping Your Adoptive Family Strong

 Автор: Greg Keck

  Welcoming a new child into the home through adoption is a life-altering experience-for the child, the parents, and everyone else in the family. Expectations and realities often differ dramatically, and adjusting to the change can be difficult and emotionally painful. Since the majority of children available for adoption today are in the system as the result of abuse and neglect, parents must acknowledge the fact they these young innocents will
 A Practical Guide to the Mental Capacity Act 2005
 A Practical Guide to the Mental Capacity Act 2005

 Автор: Matthew Graham

 Educating Children and Young People in Care
 Educating Children and Young People in Care

 Автор: Claire Cameron

  Children and young people in care rarely match the academic achievements of their peers and policy and procedures to address this inequality have not yet remedied the problem. Drawing on ideas from social pedagogy, the authors present a new approach – learning placements and caring schools. They show that education and care must be considered integral to both out of home placements and schools. Packed with practice examples, it includes chapte
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