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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Healing the Hidden Hurts
 Healing the Hidden Hurts

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Healing the Hidden Hurts: Transforming Attachment and Trauma Theory into Effective Practice with Families, Children and Adults provides a unique collection of professional and personal responses to the challenges that arise in dealing with attachment difficulties. With contributions from social workers, adoptive parents, adoptees, psychologists, therapists, counsellors and other related professionals, this book provides a varied and expansive a
 Kit Kitten and the Topsy-Turvy Feelings
 Kit Kitten and the Topsy-Turvy Feelings

 Автор: Jane Evans

  Once upon a time there was a little kitten called Kit who lived with a grown-up cat called Kizz Cat. Kit Kitten couldn't understand why sometimes Kizz Cat seemed sad and far away and others times was busy and rushing about. Kit Kitten was sometimes cold and confused in this topsy-turvy world and needed help to find ways to tell others about the big, medium and small feelings which were stuck inside. Luckily for Kit, Kindly Cat came along.
 Making Your Primary School E-safe
 Making Your Primary School E-safe

 Автор: Adrienne Katz

  Children are using the internet and mobile devices at increasingly younger ages, and it's becoming more and more important to address e-safety in primary schools. This practical book provides guidance on how to teach and promote e-safety and tackle cyberbullying with real-life examples from schools of what works and what schools need to do. The book explains how to set policy and procedures, how to train staff and involve parents, and prov

 20 Life-Transforming Choices Adoptees Need to Make, Second Edition
 20 Life-Transforming Choices Adoptees Need to Make, Second Edition

 Автор: Sherrie Eldridge

  As an adoptee, do you have mixed feelings about your adoption? If you do, you are not alone – adoptees often experience complex feelings of grief, anger, and questions about their identity. Sherrie Eldridge is an adoptee and adoption expert, and in this book she draws on her personal experiences and feelings relating to adoption as well as interviews with over 70 adoptees. Sherrie reveals how you can discover your own unique life purpose and wo
 Social Work with Troubled Families
 Social Work with Troubled Families

 Автор: Группа авторов

  A critical introduction to the Troubled Families Programme (TFP), this book explores the roots, significance and effectiveness of troubled family approaches in social work. An important strand of government social policy, the TFP gives rise to a number of ethical and political questions about assertive outreach, choice, use of power and eliding the structural inequalities which, it is often argued, largely account for the difficulties troubled
 Tackling Disability Discrimination and Disability Hate Crime
 Tackling Disability Discrimination and Disability Hate Crime

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Placing the experiences of victims at its heart, this book provides an authoritative overview of disability hate crime – explaining what it is, how it happens, its legal status, the impact on victims and how individuals and agencies should respond. The guide outlines innovative projects developed to address the problem, and provides tailored guidance for professionals spanning education, health and social care, and criminal justice. It also off
 That's So Gay!
 That's So Gay!

 Автор: Jonathan Charlesworth

  Is there a need to challenge homophobic name-calling and other homophobic bullying in your school but uncertainty about how to address it? That's So Gay! is a practical guide to making your school a safer place and creating an inclusive bully-free culture. It shows what homophobic bullying looks like, who experiences it and explores the reasons why young people bully others homophobically. It also reveals why young people are often relucta
 The Common-Sense Guide to Improving the Safeguarding of Children
 The Common-Sense Guide to Improving the Safeguarding of Children

 Автор: Terry McCarthy

  Aiming to provide purpose and direction in a complex field of work, this book offers direct and straightforward guidance on how to improve child protection on the frontline. Terry McCarthy draws directly from his own extensive practice experience to outline three steps to achieve improved outcomes. First, he explains how to establish an effective culture which develops learning on relationships and styles of authority. Second, he identifies h
 Leading Good Care
 Leading Good Care

 Автор: Burton John Hill

  To lead good care, social care managers must have professional and personal authority: a clear understanding of the core task and the emotional challenges of care, and the imagination to create an organisation or team dedicated to meeting people's needs. This guide gives managers the understanding of systems of care and will inspire them to take the lead. Using the stories of four managers leading four different care services, John Burton
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