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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Traveller Children
 Traveller Children

 Автор: Cathy Kiddle
 Foster Parenting Step-by-Step
 Foster Parenting Step-by-Step

 Автор: Kalyani Gopal

 Welcoming a New Brother or Sister Through Adoption
 Welcoming a New Brother or Sister Through Adoption

 Автор: Arleta James

  Adoption is a big step which can change the whole dynamics of the family. It is crucial that parents understand the impact it has when new sibling relationships are forged and an adoptee becomes a part of the family. Welcoming a New Brother or Sister through Adoption is a comprehensive yet accessible guide that describes the adoption process and the impact of adoption on every member of the family, including the adopted child. It prepares fami

 Safeguarding Adults and the Law
 Safeguarding Adults and the Law

 Автор: Michael Mandelstam

  The safeguarding of vulnerable adults continues to increase in importance. Safeguarding Adults and the Law, now in its second edition, sets this complex area of work within an extensive legal framework and provides many useful pointers for practitioners and students. The book covers, for example, Department of Health guidelines, human rights, the regulation of health and social care providers, the barring of carers from working with vulnerable
 Hearing Young People Talk About Witnessing Domestic Violence
 Hearing Young People Talk About Witnessing Domestic Violence

 Автор: Susan Collis

  At least 750,000 children a year worldwide witness domestic violence. These children grow up with an increased risk of developing symptoms associated with trauma and behavioural and mental health problems. This book explores the cases of five young people who have been victims of domestic violence. Allowing the young people to speak out in their own voices, it provides deep insight into how their experiences have affected their emotional behavi
 Life Story Work with Children Who are Fostered or Adopted
 Life Story Work with Children Who are Fostered or Adopted

 Автор: Katie Wrench

  Life story work is one of the key therapeutic approaches to working with adopted or fostered children. While it sounds simple, there is much more to this work than producing photo albums or memory boxes for children. This accessible book is full of tried and tested activities and creative ideas for professionals, parents and carers who may have little time and few resources, but who need to carry out life story work that works for children. The
 Experiences of Donor Conception
 Experiences of Donor Conception

 Автор: Caroline Lorbach

  Drawing on the experiences of parents, offspring and donors and including her own and her family's story, this thought-provoking and informative book explores the process of donor conception. From finding out about an infertility problem, to considering whether – and how – to tell the children about their conception, and how those children feel as the adult offspring of a donor, she provides practical suggestions as well as in-depth conside
 Creating a Safe Place
 Creating a Safe Place

 Автор: NCH Children and Families Project
 Groupwork in Social Care
 Groupwork in Social Care

 Автор: Julie Phillips

  In this extremely practical guide, Julie Phillips argues that preparation is the most important element in running successful groups, and explores the issues that practitioners should address. She demonstrates how to prepare effectively, drawing on eight extended case studies with a variety of groups ranging from a positive parenting group to an anger management group. She examines the initial decisions that must be made such as determining the
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