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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 A Practical Guide to Caring for Children and Teenagers with Attachment Difficulties
 A Practical Guide to Caring for Children and Teenagers with Attachment Difficulties

 Автор: Chris Taylor

  This book guides childcare professionals through attachment theory and provides techniques for caring for children with attachment difficulties. It explains what attachment is, what different patterns of attachment look like in children and young people, how early attachment experiences affect their lives, and how this understanding can help childcare workers to develop therapeutic ways of caring. By understanding these issues, childcare worke
 A Non-Violent Resistance Approach with Children in Distress
 A Non-Violent Resistance Approach with Children in Distress

 Автор: David Aldridge

  Parents, teachers and other professionals often struggle to know how to deal with disruptive, abusive or aggressive behaviour. This book addresses the urgent need for a realistic, practical and effective approach to dealing with severe disruptive behaviour in children and adolescents. Adapting the principles of non-violent resistance originally advocated by Mahatma Gandhi, the book provides de-escalation techniques which empower the adult and
 The Survival Guide for Newly Qualified Child and Family Social Workers
 The Survival Guide for Newly Qualified Child and Family Social Workers

 Автор: Helen Donnellan

  So, you've passed your degree and have started your first job. But are you confident about translating the theory into practice? Are you prepared to juggle the workload of a busy social worker? Do you have a plan for your continuing professional development? This practical guide provides a wealth of suggestions to help you to hit the ground running in the early stages of your new career. The book will guide you over the initial hurdles yo

 Quality Matters in Children's Services
 Quality Matters in Children's Services

 Автор: Mike Stein
 A Short Introduction to Attachment and Attachment Disorder
 A Short Introduction to Attachment and Attachment Disorder

 Автор: Colby Pearce

  This book presents a short and accessible introduction to what 'attachment' means and how to recognise attachment disorders in children.
The author explains how complex problems in childhood may stem from the parent-child relationship during a child's early formative years, and later from the child's engagement with the broader social world. It explores the mindset of difficult and traumatised children and the motiva
 Safeguarding Children Living with Trauma and Family Violence
 Safeguarding Children Living with Trauma and Family Violence

 Автор: Stephen Pizzey

  Offering a systematic approach to evidence-based assessment and planning for children living with trauma and family violence, this practical book shows how to assess and analyse the needs of the child, make specialist assessments where there are continuing safeguarding concerns (using the Assessment Framework) and plan effective child-centred and outcome-focused interventions.  The authors analyse the impact of exposure to a climate of trauma a
 Life Story Books for Adopted Children
 Life Story Books for Adopted Children

 Автор: Joy Rees

  Through words, pictures, photographs, certificates and other 'little treasures', a Life Story Book provides a detailed account of the child's early history and a chronology of their life. This clear and concise book shows a new family-friendly way to compile a Life Story Book that promotes a sense of permanency for the child, and encourages attachments within the adoptive family. Joy Rees' improved model works chronologi
 Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and the Law
 Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and the Law

 Автор: Michael Mandelstam

  The protection of vulnerable adults is a fast emerging area of work for local authorities, the NHS and other agencies. Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults and the Law, sets this within a comprehensive legal framework. The relevant law and guidance is extensive. It includes Department of Health guidance (No Secrets), human rights, the regulation of health and social care providers, the barring of carers from working with vulnerable adults, care standa
 Working with Ethnicity, Race and Culture in Mental Health
 Working with Ethnicity, Race and Culture in Mental Health

 Автор: Hari Sewell

  This book enables front line practitioners to understand why it is important to consider the specific needs of people from black and minority ethnic (BME) backgrounds in mental health settings. It offers practical guidance on how practitioners can take positive steps to improve the quality of their work and their relationships with BME service users, and ultimately how to improve their outcomes. By advocating the practice of recognizing the in
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