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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Managing Children's Homes
 Managing Children's Homes

 Автор: Leslie Hicks
 The Post-Qualifying Handbook for Social Workers
 The Post-Qualifying Handbook for Social Workers

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Working with Adult Abuse
 Working with Adult Abuse

 Автор: Jacki Pritchard

 Working with Anger and Young People
 Working with Anger and Young People

 Автор: Nick Luxmoore

  Understanding the roots of anger and encouraging appropriate and acceptable ways of expressing this are essential skills for anyone working with young people. Working with Anger and Young People warns against 'quick fix' solutions to dealing with anger, and draws on the author's experiences of youth counselling and training workshops to propose helpful interventions for addressing anger effectively and moving on from it. From att
 Domestic Violence and Child Protection
 Domestic Violence and Child Protection

 Автор: Группа авторов

  How do you respond simultaneously to the needs of adults experiencing domestic violence and the specific needs of their children? Domestic Violence and Child Protection explores the challenges of working effectively in this complex field and offers positive models for practice. Leading practitioners and researchers outline the essential safety considerations for children, adult victims and child protection workers, and stress the importance of
 Prevention and Coping in Child and Family Care
 Prevention and Coping in Child and Family Care

 Автор: Michael Sheppard
 Managing Front Line Practice in Social Care
 Managing Front Line Practice in Social Care

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Written by key figures in the field of social care training and management this much-needed book provides practice guidance for front line managers in social care. Refocusing attention on the management of practice and accountability within services and to service users, the authors provide a variety of perspectives on how front line managers can support practice. Highlighting important aspects of management, such as promoting knowledge-based pr
 Birth of an Adoptive, Foster or Stepmother
 Birth of an Adoptive, Foster or Stepmother

 Автор: Barbara Waterman
 Constructing Clienthood in Social Work and Human Services
 Constructing Clienthood in Social Work and Human Services

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This innovative book explores social work, therapy and counselling as a series of encounters – between clients and human services professionals, social workers, their colleagues and other professionals, and more widely between citizens and the state. Providing a variety of social constructionist perspectives on the idea of the 'client', it presents in-depth discussion of the roles, language and contexts of meetings between social worke
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