People of all ages learn important life skills through playing games, and recognising this can be the key to enhancing their social, educational and personal development. Incorporating play into teaching and training not only makes learning fun, but it can also open minds to the value of cooperation, communication and reflection. The book is a collection of tried and tested games for use in workshops, youth groups and the classroom, covering ev ...
Children from abroad who are alone in the UK are vulnerable and at increased risk of harm without the care and protection of their parents or caregivers. They may be unaccompanied asylum seekers, refugees, or victims of trafficking. This book examines the issues and problems faced by these children, what their needs are, and how these needs should be met in order to ensure their effective safeguarding. It demonstrates that these children often ...
Managers in social work and social care contexts are required to manage a wide range of projects: long-term and short-term, on large and small scales, in partnership with other agencies, and covering a broad range of issues and contexts. Management of these projects requires specific expertise, and this book sets out what these core skills are and how they can be achieved. Topics such as managing resources, assessing risks, and measuring outcom ...
Extreme bullying can have devastating effects: it can leave a child severely traumatized, their self-esteem destroyed, and in deep despair. Many children who have been severely bullied are unable to attend school, and are deeply scarred by what has happened. This book reveals these shattering effects by telling the stories of eight children who have experienced extreme bullying and then found their way to recovery at a Red Balloon Learner Cent ...
Stress, fatigue and burnout are serious problems in the social work profession. High case loads, staff shortages, budget cuts and the challenging nature of the job contribute to high levels of stress, and social workers can crack under the pressure. This accessible book demonstrates how managers and practitioners can overcome workplace distress, fatigue and burnout by understanding the causes and implementing practical strategies. Part 1 outlin ...
Reclaiming Social Work (RSW) is a radical new system for delivering child and family social work in the UK. The system was first piloted in the London Borough of Hackney and the model has gained national recognition. At the heart of this innovative system is the endeavour to keep children together with their families. This book sets out what the Reclaiming Social Work model is, how it was implemented, and how it works. It explains the RSW syste ...
Fostering is vitally important: the majority of looked after children are fostered, yet these children are often left out of the agenda and their voices are not heard. This book sets out a child-centred approach to foster care which argues against thinking about children purely from a psychological perspective and instead places children's views, rights and needs at the centre of care. It sets out the theory behind working in partnership w ...
Formal education has finally ended, you've passed your exams and you're getting started as a newly qualified social worker (NQSW). As you make the transition from student to fully fledged practitioner, you'll soon discover a whole host of challenges as you hit the ground running in your new career. This handbook will guide you through the initial hurdles you will face in this transitional phase, helping you to fully understand yo ...