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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Caring for Abused and Neglected Children
 Caring for Abused and Neglected Children

 Автор: Ian Sinclair

  The decision whether or not to reunify a child in care with their birth family is one of the most serious taken by children's services, and often involves considerable risk. This book examines the long-term consequences of this decision for children who entered public care for abuse or neglect. It compares the experiences and progress of children who remained in care or returned to their birth families up to four years after the decision w
 Mastering Social Work Supervision
 Mastering Social Work Supervision

 Автор: Jane Wonnacott

  Effective supervision helps to nurture confident social workers who are able to look after service users in the best possible way. Social work supervisors and managers need mastery of the relevant knowledge and skills in order to ensure successful social work practice. This book is an accessible guide to the essential skills of social work supervision. It covers the development of the supervisor–supervisee relationship, the assessment and mana
 Promoting Children's Rights in Social Work and Social Care
 Promoting Children's Rights in Social Work and Social Care

 Автор: Margaret Bell

  Children have a right enshrined within the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to participate in decisions that affect them, and their participation in social care services can have a positive impact on their own self-esteem and confidence, but also the quality of service and decisions made by the social care professionals working with them. Everyone seems to agree on the idea that children have to be heard, but not on how, where and when

 Adolescent Neglect
 Adolescent Neglect

 Автор: Gwyther Rees

  Adolescent neglect is a significant problem within child protection, but focus on child neglect and other forms of maltreatment means that it can often be overlooked. This book outlines how adolescent neglect differs from child neglect, the context of why it is overlooked, how it is defined, the causes and consequences of neglect, young people's views, and what professionals can do. Based on original research, the book establishes an evide
 Creating Loving Attachments
 Creating Loving Attachments

 Автор: Kim Golding S.

  All children need love, but for troubled children, a loving home is not always enough. Children who have experienced trauma need to be parented in a special way that helps them feel safe and secure, builds attachments and allows them to heal. Playfulness, acceptance, curiosity and empathy (PACE) are four valuable elements of parenting that, combined with love, can help children to feel confident and secure. This book shows why these elements ar
 Cyberbullying and E-safety
 Cyberbullying and E-safety

 Автор: Adrienne Katz

 Disabled Women and Domestic Violence
 Disabled Women and Domestic Violence

 Автор: Gill Hague

  Domestic violence is encountered by disabled women more frequently than non-disabled women, yet disabled women are less likely to receive appropriate services, and there has been little research on their experiences and how this problem can be addressed. This book, drawing on the first UK national study of disabled women who have suffered domestic violence, highlights the experiences of these women, the nature of the violence perpetrated agains
 Social Pedagogy and Working with Children and Young People
 Social Pedagogy and Working with Children and Young People

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Social pedagogy is an innovative discipline that supports children's upbringing and overall development by focusing on the child as a whole person. It has been described as where education and care meet or as 'education in its broadest sense'. This book provides a comprehensive overview of the theory, principles and practice of social pedagogy and the profession of social pedagogue. With chapters from leading international contri
 Understanding Costs and Outcomes in Child Welfare Services
 Understanding Costs and Outcomes in Child Welfare Services

 Автор: Samantha McDermid

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