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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Spirituality and Social Care
 Spirituality and Social Care

 Автор: Bruce Stewart
 Improving Child and Family Assessments
 Improving Child and Family Assessments

 Автор: Danielle Turney

  The quality of the assessment of children in need has a significant impact on outcomes for the children concerned. Good assessment contributes to better outcomes, but poor assessment can have tragic consequences. Understanding what makes a good assessment is vital. This book brings together findings from 10 years of UK research that shed light on different aspects of child and family assessment, and examines the evidence for what works in promo
 Child Protection Systems in the United Kingdom
 Child Protection Systems in the United Kingdom

 Автор: Nigel Parton

  Child protection systems differ across the four countries of the United Kingdom, and understanding the differences provide important opportunities for learning and improving day-to-day practice. This authoritative book compares UK child protection systems with other systems world-wide as well as scrutinising and comparing the systems in different parts of the UK. Reflecting on the impact of devolution, the authors consider and critically analy

 Mediation in Context
 Mediation in Context

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Mastering Approaches to Diversity in Social Work
 Mastering Approaches to Diversity in Social Work

 Автор: Linda Gast

  Central to a social worker's role is the ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds, but social workers can often feel anxious and unsure of how to approach anti-discriminatory practice. This book, grounded in practice experience, is an accessible guide to diversity issues in social work. Packed with tools and models for practice, it considers the concept of diversity and how people differ, provides a model for understanding disc
 Making Sense of Near-Death Experiences
 Making Sense of Near-Death Experiences

 Автор: Группа авторов

  *Highly Commended in the Psychiatry category at the 2012 British Medical Association Book Awards* A near-death experience (NDE) is a phenomenon whereby powerful physical and emotional sensations and visions are experienced by someone who is either close to death or has been declared clinically dead. This is an accessible guide to the theory and evidence underlying the phenomenon of NDEs. With contributions from leading international experts i
 Professional Boundaries in Social Work and Social Care
 Professional Boundaries in Social Work and Social Care

 Автор: Frank Cooper

  Professional boundaries between worker and client underpin all areas of practice in social work and social care, and the mismanagement of these boundaries can lead to unprofessional conduct and negative consequences for both worker and client. This book is a no-nonsense guide to boundaries – what they are, why they are there and how to maintain them, from legal boundaries and policies governing behaviour to rules surrounding confidentiality. Pr
 Social Work Education and Training
 Social Work Education and Training

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Excellent social work education and training is vital for ensuring best practice, and it is important to understand the key approaches and methods in order to provide the best teaching and ensure effective learning. This volume provides an overview of social work education, including the background and current context. It covers the key debates surrounding social work education, such as the evaluation of social work education, the use of IT, re
 Safeguarding Babies and Very Young Children from Abuse and Neglect
 Safeguarding Babies and Very Young Children from Abuse and Neglect

 Автор: Rebecca Brown

  Safeguarding babies and very young children is a highly complex process, involving difficult decisions surrounding their needs, care, and whether they need to be separated from their families. This book, based on a research study which followed babies who were identified as likely to suffer significant harm before their first birthdays until they were three years old, explores key issues surrounding the safeguarding process. These include how t
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