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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 What are you staring at?
 What are you staring at?

 Автор: Pete Wallis

  Designed for use in schools, this comic teaches children about restorative justice through the story of Jake and Ryan. After a misunderstanding between Jake and Ryan leads to a fight in the playground, both boys are left feeling angry and fearful about what might happen when they see each other again. Rather than keeping Jake and Ryan apart, their teacher arranges a restorative meeting to allow the boys to understand the situation from the other
 Not Today, Celeste!
 Not Today, Celeste!

 Автор: Liza Stevens

  Celeste thinks she is the happiest dog in the world. But when she notices something different about her human, Rupert, she wonders if things will ever be the same again. Charmingly illustrated, this heart-warming story for children aged 3+ reflects some of the feelings and experiences that a child whose parent or carer has depression may face. When it comes to periods of low mood in a parent or carer, children can often feel that they are to bl
 What Happened to Daddy's Body?
 What Happened to Daddy's Body?

 Автор: Alex Barber

  My daddy died when I was (one…two…) three years old. Today we are out in the garden. It always makes me think about my daddy because he LOVED his garden. Sometimes, I wonder what happened to my daddy's body… This picture book aims to help children aged 3+ to understand what happens to the body after someone has died. Through telling the true story of what happened to his daddy's body, we follow Alex as he learns about cremation, buria

 Ollie and the Golden Stripe
 Ollie and the Golden Stripe

 Автор: Alison Knowles

  "It's time you met one of your most important superpowers…" The Captain is disappointed when Ollie feels like laughing at his clumsy classmate Adam, and decides that it's time to introduce him to one of the four super superpowers, Empathy. Empathy transports Ollie into Adam's shoes and teaches him how to understand and share Adam's feelings. But with Empathy comes great responsibility, and the chance for Ollie to return
 Pearla and her Unpredictably Perfect Day
 Pearla and her Unpredictably Perfect Day

 Автор: Rochel Lieberman

  Pearla loves to bake! Her favourite foods are cookies and cupcakes, which she sells at her dad's bakery. She always tries very hard to make her baking absolutely perfect, but one day Pearla is so busy that she makes a huge mistake! Have fun with Pearla as she learns how to adapt when her day doesn't go to plan and realises it could turn out to be pretty perfect after all. This is a scrumptious tale for children aged 4-12, particularly
 Big Tree is Sick
 Big Tree is Sick

 Автор: Nathalie Slosse

  Snibbles and Big Tree are best friends! They have always hung out together, and Snibbles loves Big Tree very much. When Big Tree unexpectedly falls ill with woodworm, Snibbles is very upset and angry. The illness is a very bad one and Big Tree does not feel well and doesn't want to play for a long time. Poor Snibbles! He wants Big Tree to get better, but he feels as if there is nothing he can do. What can Snibbles and his friends do to help
 Lucy the Octopus
 Lucy the Octopus

 Автор: Richy K. Chandler

  Lucy is an incurably uncool teen, and an octopus. For no reason at all (other than that she isn't very «girly»), she is very unpopular, and even her parents don't like her! The only friend who will hang out with her in public is Puffy, her pet puffer fish. But Lucy's haters don't know that she is secretly an awesome guitarist, and she has been picked to join everyone's favourite local band, Lamington Fuzz. While Lucy roc
 Molly the Mole
 Molly the Mole

 Автор: Alice Reeves

  Molly is a mole with many friends, including a deer, a butterfly, and an owl. Sometimes Molly feels sad because she doesn't look the same as her friends, and feels very different to them. By helping each of them out with a task, Molly learns that her friends love her for the amazing qualities that are unique just to her. Molly the Mole addresses the difference between the way we perceive ourselves and the way our friends and family perceive
 Carlos the Chameleon
 Carlos the Chameleon

 Автор: Alice Reeves
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