Fred Korematsu liked listening to music on the radio, playing tennis, and hanging around with his friends—just like lots of other Americans. But everything changed when the United States went to war with Japan in 1941 and the government forced all people of Japanese ancestry to leave their homes on the West Coast and move to distant prison camps. This included Fred, whose parents had immigrated to the United States from Japan many year ...
Pablo Pineda es el primer europeo con Sindrome de Down en obtener un titulo universitario. Maestro, escritor, y actor, irradia carisma e ilusion por aprender. Esta es su entranable historia, que nos recuerda que la unica discapacidad es la de no entender que todos tenemos capacidades diferentes.Pablo Pineda is the first European with Down Syndrome to obtain a university degree. A teacher, a writer, and an actor, he radiates charisma and the will ...
Pablo Pineda is the first European with Down Syndrome to obtain a university degree. A teacher, a writer, and an actor, he radiates charisma and the will to learn. This is his endearing story, which reminds us that the only disability is not understanding that all of us have different abilities.Guided Reading Level: P, Lexile Level: 950L ...
La increible e inspiradora historia de un nino que desde el corazon de Africa supo vencer todos los obstaculos y logro convertirse en atleta olimpico. Un canto a la esperanza y a la paz que nos muestra que hasta en la oscuridad, siempre brilla una luz que nos guia.This is the incredible, inspiring tale of a little boy from the heart of Africa, who was able to overcome all of the obstacles in his life, and become an Olympic athlete. A story of ho ...
This is the incredible, inspiring tale of a little boy from the heart of Africa, who was able to overcome all of the obstacles in his life, and become an Olympic athlete. A story of hope and peace, which shows us how there is always a light that shines to guide us, even in the darkest moments.Guided Reading Level: R, Lexile Level: 1000L ...
Con la humildad siempre como bandera, el gran tenista Rafa Nadal fue descubriendo, ya desde su infancia, lo que de verdad importa y los valores que guian su vida.Thanks to his modest personality, from an early age the great tennis player Rafa Nadal discovered what really matters, and the values that would be the guiding principles for his life.Lexile Level: 870L ...
The theme of the 2011 Charleston Conference, the annual event that explores issues in book and serial acquisition, was «Something's Gotta Give.» The conference, held November 2-5, 2011, in Charleston, SC, included 9 pre-meetings, more than 10 plenaries, and over 120 concurrent sessions. The theme reflected the increasing sense of strain felt by both libraries and publishers as troubling economic trends and rapid technological change challen ...
Over one hundred presentations from the 37th annual Charleston Library Conference (held November 6–10, 2017) are included in this annual proceedings volume. Major themes of the meeting included data visualization, analysis and assessment of collections and library users, demand-driven acquisition, the future of print collections, and open access publishing. While the Charleston meeting remains a core one for acquisitions librarians in dialog wit ...