Over one hundred presentations from the thirty-fourth Charleston Library Conference (held November 5-8, 2014) are included in this annual proceedings volume. Major themes of the meeting included patron-driven acquisitions versus librarian-driven acquisitions; marketing library resources to faculty and students to increase use; measuring and demonstrating the library's role and impact in the retention of students and faculty; the desirabilit ...
Over one hundred presentations from the 36th annual Charleston Library Conference (held November 1-5, 2016) are included in this annual proceedings volume. Major themes of the meeting included data visualization, streaming video, analysis and assessment, demand-driven acquisition, and open access publishing. While the Charleston meeting remains a core one for acquisitions librarians in dialog with publishers and vendors, the breadth of coverage ...
It has become increasingly accepted that important digital data must be retained and shared in order to preserve and promote knowledge, advance research in and across all disciplines of scholarly endeavor, and maximize the return on investment of public funds. To meet this challenge, colleges and universities are adding data services to existing infrastructures by drawing on the expertise of information professionals who are already involved in ...
Reference service, the idea that librarians provide direct assistance to users, has been a central function of libraries for over a century. Today's libraries are even more complex and intimidating to new users than libraries of the past, and the technical and social contexts in which users experience their library's resources add to this complexity. The availability of a friendly librarian who helps users find materials, search for in ...
Как оставаться эффективным сотрудником, работая из дома? Что надеть на деловое zoom-совещание? Как успешно пройти собеседование онлайн? На все эти вопросы ответит Елена Вос, основатель Академии коммуникации, имиджа и этикета, эксперт в сфере современного этикета, кросс-коммуникаций и создания личного бренда. Она расскажет, как поддержать свою продуктивность, обустроить рабочее место и составить расписание, чтобы работа на «удаленке» была не толь ...
Aromatherapy has many benefits. It is a noninvasive treatment that can be used by most people in a variety of settings and it is not a contraindication for most modern medications. It can be used to treat many different psychological ailments such as stress, depression, and anxiety. It is often used to help people get a good night's sleep or become energized. It can also be used to physical ailments such as skin conditions, asthma, congesti ...
This is a book designed to keep preschoolers busy while teaching and reinforcing letter recognition. Each page is full of colorful letters and characters in which your preschooler will try to locate the specific letter noted at the top of the page. There is also a bonus book-wide search at the end. ...
Digital devices put a whole world at your fingertips. Play a game, listen to music, do research for school, read a story, or make a video—anywhere, anytime. Connect with friends and family in fast and easy ways. Post photos and share ideas and inspiration. And that's only a small part of it. Just like the real world, the digital world is full of exciting, helpful, and even life-changing possibilities. And just as in the real world, you need ...
You already know a lot about caring for your body. You eat your veggies, try to get enough exercise and sleep, and use soap when you need to. But did you know that a little care and keeping are great for your mind and spirit, too? This book is full of expert know-how and fun ideas to help you bounce back from any setback, focus on what matters and tune out the rest. You'll learn to find calm inside, connect better with friends and family, t ...