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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 The Feelings Book (revised)
 The Feelings Book (revised)

 Автор: Dr. Lynda Madison

  This invaluable companion to The Care & Keeping of You received its own fresh update! The Feelings Book will help you understand your emotions, and deal with them in positive ways. You’ll get tips on how to express your feelings and stay in control, plus get sensitive advice on handling fear, anxiety, jealousy, and grief. Learn how to stay in the driver’s seat of your own emotions!
 The Care and Keeping of You 2
 The Care and Keeping of You 2

 Автор: Cara Natterson

  This thoughtful advice book will guide you through the next steps of growing up. With illustrations and expert contributors, this book covers new questions about periods, your growing body, peer pressure, personal care, and more! Written by Dr. Cara Natterson for girls 10 and up, The Care & Keeping of You 2 follows up the original bestseller with even more in-depth details about the physical and emotional changes you're going through.
 A Smart Girl's Guide to Style
 A Smart Girl's Guide to Style

 Автор: Sharon Cindrich

  Girls love expressing their personality through the outfits they create. This book will help them explore their own one-of-a-kind sense of style. Girls will take quizzes to figure out which looks make them feel comfortable and confident. They'll find tips for how to shop smart and handle disagreements with parents over the clothes they buy and wear. And they'll get advice from other girls on how to ignore fashion critics and stay true

 A Smart Girl's Guide to Knowing What to Say
 A Smart Girl's Guide to Knowing What to Say

 Автор: Patti Kelley Criswell

  Find the right words to fit more than 200 situations! With the advice in this latest addition to the Smart Girl's Guide series, you'll learn smart words to choose when you're stressed, shy, sad, or facing other awkward moments. Ask a teacher for help. Stand up to a bully. Express sympathy for the loss of a loved one. Plus, find the tools, tips, techniques, (and actual words!) to help untangle your tongue and speak out with confide
 A Smart Girl's Guide to Her Parents' Divorce
 A Smart Girl's Guide to Her Parents' Divorce

 Автор: Nancy Holyoke

  The changes that come with divorce can be difficult. This advice book will help you to better understand your parents' divorce, from the initial split-up to a remarriage. The book includes quizzes and tips, plus advice from real girls who've been there and have wisdom to share.
 The Hair Book
 The Hair Book

 Автор: Mary Richards Beaumont

  As part of the trusted Care & Keeping of You book series, this title teaches you how to keep your hair healthy. It includes customized hair-care tips for every type of hair. Curly, straight, thick, or textured, this book teaches you how to love whichever type of hair happens to be on your head. You'll learn how to get the cut you want, and how to create styles on your own, too. Plus, you'll be inspired to try up to 15 different hai
 Is This Normal?
 Is This Normal?

 Автор: Darcie Johnston

  This helpful resource book is filled with over 100 letters from real girls like you with questions about their changing bodies, and expert answers to each one. Plus, the back of the book features tips on how to talk to your parents about puberty and other touchy topics.
 A Smart Girl's Guide:  Staying Home Alone
 A Smart Girl's Guide: Staying Home Alone

 Автор: Dottie Raymer

  This popular book is now updated with new illustrations and advice that will help you feel confident and in control when you're home alone. It includes boredom busters, fun for one ideas, quizzes, neighborhood know-how, snack recipes, safety tips, first-aid information, and sibling survival secrets. Plus, this girl-friendly guide features a handy tear-out booklet for keeping track of important information and house rules.
 The Care and Keeping of You 1
 The Care and Keeping of You 1

 Автор: Valorie Schaefer

  Our best-selling body book for girls just got even better! With all-new illustrations and updated content for girls ages 8 and up, it features tips, how-tos, and facts from the experts. (Medical consultant: Cara Natterson, MD.) You'll find answers to questions about your changing body, from hair care to healthy eating, bad breath to bras, periods to pimples, and everything in between. Once you feel comfortable with what's happening, yo
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