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Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Двигатели Cummins L10, руководство по ремонту в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Terrific Makerspace Projects
 Terrific Makerspace Projects

 Автор: Juan Denzer
 The Write Track
 The Write Track

 Автор: Betty Jane Wylie

 The Ph.D. Trap Revisited
 The Ph.D. Trap Revisited

 Автор: Wilfred Cude

  When The Ph.D. Trap was first published in 1987, it hit academe like a bombshell. Wilfred Cude dared to pull back the veil of graduate school life to expose the harsh realities of modern advanced study. Using statistics, academic history, and diverse intellectual traditions, Cude revealed the Ph.D. program in most disciplines to be savage, mechanical, and cruel – an exploitative construct that often frustrates legitimate intellectual inquiry,

 The Military Leadership Handbook
 The Military Leadership Handbook

 Автор: Группа авторов
 The Handbook of Canadian Boarding Schools
 The Handbook of Canadian Boarding Schools

 Автор: Ashley Thomson

  Private schools have frequently provided innovative, experimental, and creative programunavailable to students in the public system. The most successful have survived and expanded by offering an educational experience widely perceived to be not just as good as that available in the public system, but better. In Canada, private schools are enjoying an unprecedented popularity and while most are day-only, over sixty sustain boarding programs, as
 Out of Darkness
 Out of Darkness

 Автор: Cindy Watson


 Автор: Shing Huei Peh

  Panjang is the tallest kid around. He hates standing out, but little does he know, he's on his way to greater heights… This book tells the childhood story of Singapore's second prime minister, Goh Chok Tong, and how he conquered his self-consciousness to become a leader. This 'tall' tale inspires children to embrace the things that make them different. Contents: Readership: Children, Singaporeans.Goh Chok Tong;Singapore
 Beyond the Information Commons
 Beyond the Information Commons

 Автор: Группа авторов

  In the closing decades of the twentieth century, academic libraries responded to rapid changes in their environment by acquiring and making accessible a host of new information resources, developing innovative new services and collaborative partnerships, and building new kinds of technology-equipped spaces to support changing user behaviors and emerging patterns of learning. The “Information Commons” or “InfoCommons
 Valentine's Day Is... (Unabridged)
 Valentine's Day Is... (Unabridged)

 Автор: Gail Gibbons

  Valentine's Day is candy hearts, flowers, and chocolate truffles. It is Valentine cards galore. Most of all, it is a time to share with family and friends, and a time to say 'I love you'.
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