Berries, apples, melons and grapes; oranges, grapefruits, bananas–yum! This scrumptious collection of facts, a companion to The Vegetables We Eat, offers youngsters an inviting, information-packed cornucopia of favorite fruits. Gail Gibbons combines clear, simple wording with her signature illustrations to present fruit facts galore: the parts of fruits, where and how they grow, harvesting, processing, where to buy them, and how to enjoy them as ...
Autorid: Riina Einberg, Helena Evert, Evely Gorobinski, Kristi Joeorg, Evert Kraav, Maria Kutt, Ilona Lott, Piret Luts, Mailis Neppo, Lia Ratnik, Egle Saska, Kadi Tamkorv, Helo Tamme, Pirkko Valge, Ingrid Viinapuu Konsultandid: Paavo Siimann, Enn Saar
See kasiraamat poimib kokku personalijuhtimise perspektiivi, annab Sulle votmed strateegiliseks personalijuhtimiseks, aitab Sul moista ja hinnata too olemust ning tootamise erinevat ...
Многие хотят разбогатеть, толпы людей – молодые и постарше – приходят на бесплатные семинары про деньги. Я смотрю на этих людей и думаю, этому человеку в первую очередь нужно полюбить себя, другому – начать общаться с прошлым, третьему – начать ухаживать за собой, вещами, зубами. Кому-то элементарно выспаться надо, еще кому-то начать заниматься фитнесом, спортом привести тело в физический тонус. Некоторым нужно научиться быть в группе, общаться ...
Racial discrimination is cruel—and especially so to younger children. This title encourages kids to accept and be comfortable with differences of skin color and other racial characteristics among their friends and in themselves. <I>A First Look At…</I> is an easy-to-understand series of books for younger children. Each title explores emotional issues and discusses the questions such difficulties invariably raise among kids o ...
B.E.S. A First Look At books explore the dynamics in relationships among children of preschool through early school age, and encourage kids to understand personal and social problems as a first step toward solving them. Written by an experienced psychotherapist and counselor, these books promote positive interaction among children, parents, and teachers. The language in each book is simple and direct–easy for younger children to understand. Full ...
This unusual picture book for younger children explores the issue of divorce. The author of this book is a psychotherapist and counselor and helps children to face their fears, worries and questions when their family is going through a break-up. A special feature, "What About You?" sidebars appear frequently with questions directed at the child reading the book. The questions encourage children to explore their own feeling abou ...
Spats are normal among younger kids, and often lead to screaming, hitting and other expressions of anger. This book helps kids understand that it's often all right to be angry, but that it's always best to resolve conflicts peaceably. <I>A First Look At…</I> is an easy-to-understand series of books for younger children. Each title explores emotional issues and discusses the questions such difficulties invariably raise among ...
When a close friend or family member dies, it can be difficult for children to express their feelings. This book helps boys and girls understand that death is a natural complement to life, and that grief and a sense of loss are normal feelings for them to have following a loved one's death. Titles in this sensitively presented series explore the dynamics of various relationships experienced by children of preschool through early school age. ...
This friendly little book acknowledges kids' fears and makes them aware of things they need in order to feel safe in different situations. They learn, for instance, to look both ways when crossing a road, to wear special clothing for sports, to know their parents' names, phone number, and emergency numbers, and many other details. <I>A First Look At…</I> is an easy-to-understand series of books for younger children. Each ti ...