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Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Volkswagen Arteon c 2017 по 2021 год, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Origami Monsters
 Origami Monsters

 Автор: Isamu Asahi

  Make spooky origami monsters and space creatures with this easy origami book. Green Gremlins, Cycops and Bat Birds are just a few of the colorful monsters you will create with this ghoulishly fun book of Japanese paper folding. Origami Monsters presents 23 fun-filled origami monster design projects. The monsters in this book, all original designs, were displayed at the 1985 World Origami Exhibition sponsored by the Nippon Origami Association.
 Stepping Stones to Go
 Stepping Stones to Go

 Автор: Shigemi Kishikawa

  Learn the Asian strategy game of Go with this user-friendly, expert guide.Go was invented some four thousand years ago in China, and is the oldest game in the world, still enjoyed today. Played with black and white stones, it is easy enough to be enjoyed by any beginner, yet sophisticated and complex enough to baffle an expert. Like chess, it is a game of skill, not chance; whereas chess is a battle.Japanese go expert Mr. Kishikawa's easy-t
 Winning Pachinko
 Winning Pachinko

 Автор: Eric Sedensky

  Pachinko, a game played by over 30 million Japanese, is synonymous with glaring lights, mind-rattling noise and smoke-choked parlors. To the uninitiated, the game's phenomenal popularity is nothing less than an enigma. The unofficial truth is that pachinko is one of Japan's biggest forms of gambling. For non-Japanese, the hush surrounding this money-making aspect has contributed to misunderstandings about the game. Now, with Winning Pa

 Japanese Chess
 Japanese Chess

 Автор: Trevor Leggett

  Learn and master the fascinating game of Japanese Chess or «Shogi» with this expert guide and Chess set. Japanese Chess: The Game of Shogi is the ultimate strategy guidebook for players of any skill level to improve their game and winning strategies. Played by millions around the world, Shogi is the uniquely Japanese variant of chess. It is the only version in which an opponent's captured piece can be dropped back onto the board as one&
 Go Fundamentals
 Go Fundamentals

 Автор: Shigemi Kishikawa

  Go Fundamentals is the easy-to-follow guidebook explaining the fundamental principles of the ancient Asian game of Go, the oldest game in the world. Go is a game played by two contestants. The game is played with black and white «stones» on a checkered board. The players are usually classed as strong and weak, based upon degree of knowledge and skill. The stronger player takes the white stones and the weaker player takes the black stones. Ha
 Mah Jong, Anyone?
 Mah Jong, Anyone?

 Автор: Kitty Strauser

  Mah Jong, Anyone? unlocks the mysteries of Mah Jong for Westerners. Mah Jong, the ancient game of China, is enjoying another burst of popularity in America, as well as in Asia. Often seen as a mystery to Westerners, Chinese Mah Jong includes the combination of skill, chance and social interaction of Western games like dominoes, bridge and dice. Authors Strauser and Evans unlock this mystery with an easy-to-follow instructional guidebook which
 Winning Go
 Winning Go

 Автор: Richard Bozulich

  Master the game of Go with this expert guide. Go is a two player-board game that first originated in ancient China but is also very popular in Japan and Korea. There is significant strategy and philosophy involved in the game, and the number of possible games is vast—even when compared to chess. This is the first comprehensive strategy guidebook in English to cover the entire game of Go by illustrating the nuances and finer points of
 Game of Go
 Game of Go

 Автор: Arthur D. Howden Smith

  Passing from China, where it was developed over 3,000 years ago, to Japan, where it today commands a vast and enthusiastic following, Go is probably the oldest intellectual game in the world. Similar to chess, it leaves nothing to chance, requiring great strategy and carefully plotted campaigns to achieve an impregnable position, block enemies from lines of communication and win a series of battles. To penetrate this complicated, challenging gam
 Go! More Than a Game
 Go! More Than a Game

 Автор: Peter Shotwell

  Master the fascinating game of Go with this expert guidebook. Go is a two-player board game that first originated in ancient China but is also very popular in Japan and Korea. There is significant strategy and philosophy involved in the game, and the number of possible games is vast—even when compared to chess. Go has enthralled hundreds of millions of people in Asia, where it is an integral part of the culture. In the West, many have
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