Отметил, что среди моих стихотворений выделяются те, в названиях которых на первом месте стоит предлог "о" (изредка, по правилам русского языка, заменяемый на "об", "обо"). Такое построение заглавной фразы намекает на притчевость и философичность, если не на гадательность (как, например, у Артемидора). Выбрал соответствующие тексты из 45-ти своих первых "Белогорских циклов" и, по-моему, получился неплохой словарик обо всём и в то же время только ...
Canada has given the world the real Winnie the Pooh, the phrase «Beatlemania,» and the man who invented the Academy Awards. If it weren’t for Canada, we might not have the pie-in-the-face gag, basketball, time zones, or the dotted white line on the middle of highways. And anyone who still thinks Canada is dull obviously doesn’t know about the Canadian who was the longest serving prisoner on Alcatraz, or the night that members of Parliament thre ...
Who were Canada’s ten most romantic couples of the twentieth century? What were this country’s worst disasters, its ten best beers, and its most controversial works of art in the past one hundred years? Where will you find the most haunted places in Canada and who are Canada’s greatest heroes, its most accomplished athletes, and its most despised criminals? The Great Canadian Book of Lists chronicles a century of achievements, trends, importa ...
Mark Kearney and Randy Ray, Canada’s Trivia Guys, thought they had covered it all with their previous best-selling trivia books, but it turns out this country has even more weird and wonderful tales to tell. Pucks, Pablum and Pingos is a unique collection of easy-to-read trivia bites, quizzes, and graphics that touches on history, sports, politics, entertainment, and more. Fun and full of factual fare, this book will satisfy the curious and in ...
The book is the journey from complete shut-down into my personal freedom.This was a 30-day challenge, arranged by my friend, and it inspired me so much that I decided to make it into a book. I hope you will also enjoy reading it, and, who knows, probably, you might decide to try some of the ideas for yourself. I know one thing for sure – the journey is transformative, after you have accomplished it, you will definitely be a better version of you ...