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Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
Ford Maverick since 2022, service e-manual
 Развитие психики
 Темная материя
 Темная материя

 Автор: Маргарита Митрофанова

  Термин «темная материя» получил широкое распространение после работ Фрица Цвикки 30-х годах. Везде ли существует темная материя? Можно ли ее зафиксировать? Возможно ли взаимодействовать с темной материей? Есть ли способы поймать темную материю? На эти и другие вопросы ответил Валерий Анатольевич Рубаков, физик-теоретик, специалист в области квантовой теории поля, физики элементарных частиц и космологии, академик РАН, доктор физико-математических
 Game Play
 Game Play

 Автор: Charles E. Schaefer

  The long-awaited revision of the only book on game play available for mental health professionals Not only is play a pleasurable, naturally occurring behavior found in humans, it is also a driving force in our development. As opposed to the unstructured play often utilized in psychotherapy, game playing invokes more goal-directed behavior, carries the benefits of interpersonal interaction, and can perform a significant role in the adaptation to
 Cyber Bullying
 Cyber Bullying

 Автор: Susan Limber P.

  Cyber bullying has become more prevalent through the use of e-mail, instant messages, chat rooms, and other digital messaging systems. It brings with it unique challenges. Cyber Bullying provides the most current and essential information on the nature and prevalence of this epidemic, providing educators, parents, psychologists and policy-makers with critical prevention techniques and strategies for effectively addressing electronic bullying. Pr

 Cognitive Behavior Therapy
 Cognitive Behavior Therapy

 Автор: Steven Hayes C.

  This practical book provides empirically supported techniques that are effective for a wide range of problems, including enuresis, panic disorder, depression, and skills acquisition for the developmentally delayed. * Presents 60 chapters on individual therapies for a wide range of problems, such as smoking cessation, stress management, and classroom management * Chapters are authored by experts in their particular treatment approach. * Provides
 Valuing Older People
 Valuing Older People

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This book examines the growing importance of positive psychology and its connection to later life. Applies Social Role Valorisation (SVR) principles to care of older people, particularly those with seriously disabling conditions such as dementia, stroke, and multiple health problems Provides a comprehensive body of positive principles and practical approaches for those who care for older people Examines the impact of the devaluation of older peo
 Handbook of Gerontology
 Handbook of Gerontology

 Автор: Catherine N. Dulmus

  A multidisciplinary resource that combines the latest research with the best practices for working with older adults The Handbook of Gerontology: Evidence-Based Approaches to Theory, Practice, and Policy provides an essential source of important theoretical and applied information on gerontology for all mental health professionals interested in optimizing the health and well-being of older adults. Interdisciplinary and incorporating the most cur
 Young Children Learning
 Young Children Learning

 Автор: Martin Hughes

  This fascinating account of an unusual research project challenges many assumptions about how young children learn and how best to teach them. In particular it turns upside-down the commonly held belief that professionals know better than parents how to educate and bring up children; and it throws doubt on the theory that working-class children underachieve at school because of a language deficit at home. The second edition of this bestselling t
 Parent - Infant Interaction
 Parent - Infant Interaction

 Автор: CIBA Foundation Symposium

  The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.
 Understanding Developmental Disorders
 Understanding Developmental Disorders

 Автор: Группа авторов

  A long-awaited book from developmental disorders expert John Morton, Understanding Developmental Disorders: A Causal Modelling Approach makes sense of the many competing theories about what can go wrong with early brain development, causing a child to develop outside the normal range. Based on the idea that understanding developmental disorders requires us to talk about biological, cognitive, behavioral and environmental factors, and to talk abo
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