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Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Ford Explorer c 1995 по 2001 год, цветные электросхемы в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Развитие психики
 The Handbook of Training and Practice in Infant and Preschool Mental Health
 The Handbook of Training and Practice in Infant and Preschool Mental Health

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This comprehensive and highly useful guide offers students and practicing clinicians who work with infant and preschool populations a much-needed resource for developing and honing their professional skills and clinical experiences. The book contains vital information about general training issues and highlights the skills that are needed to be considered a competent professional. Written by top experts in the field from a wide range of discipli
 Blackwell Handbook of Infant Development
 Blackwell Handbook of Infant Development

 Автор: Alan Fogel

  This up-to-date overview of the fast-moving field of infant development covers all the major areas of interest in terms of research, applications and policy. Provides an up-to-date overview of progress on important developmental questions relating to infancy. Balances North American and European perspective. Written by leading international researchers. Now available in full text online via xreferplus, the award-winning reference library on the
 Information Processing Biases and Anxiety
 Information Processing Biases and Anxiety

 Автор: Julie Hadwin A.

  With contributions from a global team of experts this book provides a comprehensive overview of information processing biases in children and adolescents. The first book to provide readers with an understanding of anxiety and the role of information processing biases more broadly in the context of developmental psychopathology Demonstrates how researchers have explored diverse aspects of information processing in anxious children and adolescents

 Evidence-Based Practice in Infant and Early Childhood Psychology
 Evidence-Based Practice in Infant and Early Childhood Psychology

 Автор: Barbara Mowder A.

  An authoritative guide to evidence-based treatment of infants and young children Evidence-Based Practice in Infant and Early Childhood Psychology is the first handbook of its kind to consider the complete psychological needs of infants and young children, from birth to early childhood. With a focus on evidence-based practice, the book provides a balanced perspective of diverse and ethical practice with research and educational recommendations in
 Working Memory and Academic Learning
 Working Memory and Academic Learning

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Equipping school and child psychologists, and neuropsychologists with critical information on the role of working memory in learning and achievement, Working Memory and Academic Learning offers guidance on assessment tools, interventions, and current evidence-based best practices. Its specific, step-by-step guidance and hands-on case studies enables you to identify how working memory relates to academic attainment and how to apply this knowledge
 Peer Groups and Children's Development
 Peer Groups and Children's Development

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Peer Groups and Children’s Development considers the experiences of school-aged children with their peer groups and its implications for their social, personal and intellectual development Focuses on the peer group experiences of children attending school in Western societies, from five years of age through to adolescence Considers peer groups in classrooms, friendships made within and outside of school, and the groups that children participate
 Если не я для себя, то кто для меня?
 Если не я для себя, то кто для меня?

 Автор: Наталья Александровна Цой
 Год: 2019

  Моя книга актуальна тем, что написал её такой же, как вы, человек, который нашел решение своих внутренних проблем через работу с психологом. Я призналась себе, что в семье не ладится, на работе проблемы и откладывать уже нет времени. Состоялся развод с мужем. При этом я была студенткой университета, жила в общежитии с дочерью первоклассницей. За общежитие я отдавала половину заработной платы. Ко всему происходящему добавились проблемы со здоровь
 Robert Nozick
 Robert Nozick

 Автор: Jonathan Wolff

  Robert Nozick's Anarchy, State and Utopia is one of the works which dominates contemporary debate in political philosophy. Drawing on traditional assumptions associated with individualism and libertarianism, Nozick mounts a powerful argument for a minimal `nightwatchman' state and challenges the views of many contemporary philosophers, most notably John Rawls. Jonathan Wolff's new book is the first full-length study of Nozick's work and of the d
 Child and Adolescent Development
 Child and Adolescent Development

 Автор: William Damon

  This advanced text for psychology, human development, and education provides students with state-of-the-art overviews of the discipline in an accessible, affordable format. Unique both in the depth of its coverage and in the timeliness of the research that it presents, this comprehensive text conveys the field of child and adolescent development through the voices of scientists who themselves are now shaping the field.
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