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Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
Engines Cummins L10, service e-manual
 Москва. Путеводитель
 Москва. Путеводитель

 Автор: Ольга Чередниченко
 Год: 2018

  Перед вами аудио-гид по Москве. В нем содержится краткая информация о столице, советы, как лучше провести первый и второй дни, и 25 главных достопримечательностей. Также в книге вы найдете описания самых интересных мест каждого района города. Гуляйте, знакомьтесь, восхищайтесь удивительной Москвой и получайте нужную информацию в режиме нон-стоп!
 Казань. Путеводитель
 Казань. Путеводитель

 Автор: Артем Синцов
 Год: 2014

  Перед вами аудио-гид по городу Казани. В нем содержится краткая информация о городе, советы, как лучше провести три и семь дней, и 25 главных достопримечательностей. Также в книге вы найдете описания самых интересных мест каждого района города. Гуляйте, знакомьтесь, восхищайтесь удивительной Казанью и получайте нужную информацию в режиме нон-стоп!

 Автор: Alejandra Costamagna

  La narradora chilena Alejandra Costamagna viaja a Bogota convocada por un encuentro de escritura in situ. En diez dias registra las frecuencias del habla, los lenguajes impredecibles del cielo, las narrativas del horror, la violencia que colinda con el goce y la rumba. El escritor venezolano Slavko Zupcic recorre Bogota muchos anos antes, por medio del castellano dulce de sus amigos colombianos migrantes, sin nunca visitarla. La imagino como una

 Travels with my Daughter
 Travels with my Daughter

 Автор: Niema Ash

  "You could say I had an unconventional upbringing. At the age of four, I was sharing my bedroom with Bob Dylan, and by the time I was fifteen, I had been taken out of school to go traveling and was smoking joints with my mother." Some may be shocked at the adventures mother and daughter share, but everyone will admire Niema’s celebration of travel, motherhood, and life itself, as this honest and often humourous account describes how she co
 One Russia, Two Chinas
 One Russia, Two Chinas

 Автор: George Fetherling

  A travel narrative written over the course of ten years, One Russia, Two Chinas is about change and resistance to change in the postmodern world. In 1991, when the Soviet Union was about to morph into the Russian Federation, George Fetherling found himself in Moscow. He both marched with the workers in the last-ever Communist May Day parade and observed, at ground level, the new Russia's love of the marketplace. Fetherling then went overl
 The Suite Life
 The Suite Life

 Автор: Christopher Heard

  This book is the product of a lifelong fascination with iconic hotels and tells of the people who have lived in them. Hotel living has always seemed exotic. Why did Claude Monet, Greta Garbo, Janis Joplin, Vladimir Nabokov, Howard Hughes, and many other mercurial individuals desire such a life? Besides answering that question, The Suite Life features interviews with high-profile celebrities who have also chosen hotel living, such as Johnny Dep

 Автор: Monika Grzelak

 Challenges and alternatives towards peacebuilding
 Challenges and alternatives towards peacebuilding

 Автор: Israel Biel Portero

  Rural development and peacebuilding in Colombia have been highly prioritized by higher education institutions since the signing of the Peace Agreement between the National Government and the FARC-EP. This has resulted in the need to further analyze rural strategies that contribute towards a better life for the population of territories where armed conflict is coming to an end, whilst understanding the pressing uncertainty that this process impli
 Chile [golpeado]
 Chile [golpeado]

 Автор: Maria Teresa Moreno

  En estas cronicas aparece el Chile golpeado de ayer, ese pais que paso de la utopia al golpe; de la dictadura a la transicion. Osorno, Valdivia, Temuco, Santiago, La Serena son ciudades que la escritora argentina Maria Moreno recorre un poco antes de las elecciones de 1970, traduciendo el mapa del viaje militante de su novio comunista.Unos anos despues regresa sola, en medio de la Unidad Popular, presencia la emblematica visita de Fidel, partici
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