Raw Emotion. Life or Death. Truthfully Delivered.<br> <br>Vicki was 28 when her neat world crumbled. Her moral compass–beloved Gramps–died suddenly, leaving Vicki depressed and insecure. Despite a series of poor choices in men and life, by 24, Vicki had built a career as a noted crime reporter, wife, and mother. <br> <br>But success led to disaster. Vicki's perfect world crumbled with bitter fa ...
Mark Vonnegut set out in search of Eden with his VW bug, his girlfriend, his dog, and his ideals, but genetic predisposition and a whole lot of **** going down made him crazy in a culture that told him mental illness is a myth and schizophrenia is a sane response to an insane society. Describing his experiences during the late '60s and early '70s, Eden Express reveals how Mark went from being a recent college grad who was in love and l ...
In «The Psychopathology of Everyday Life» Freud examines the psychological basis for the forgetting of names and words, the misuse of words in speech and in writing, and other similiar errors. Freud's examination of the subject is extensively discussed through the use of anecdotes and examples. «The Psychopathology of Everyday Life» makes for one of Freud's more readable works. Presented here is the original english translation of A. A ...
Возможно, есть еще такие, у кого нет и никогда не было проблем со своими близкими, теми, кого обычно называют друзьями, любимыми, коллегами и т.п. Впрочем, похоже, их с каждым днем становится все меньше. Причин этому много, и вряд ли кто-нибудь один сможет разрешить все те проблемы, которые обычно встречаются во взаимодействии «Ты и Я». А может быть, эти проблемы и вообще не стоит решать кому-то постороннему, хотя бы потому, что решение проблем ...
Highlights the trailers, merchandising and cultural conversations that shape our experiences of film and television It is virtually impossible to watch a movie or TV show without preconceived notions because of the hype that precedes them, while a host of media extensions guarantees them a life long past their air dates. An onslaught of information from print media, trailers, internet discussion, merchandising, podcasts, and guerilla marketing, ...
Приучив себя к вере в поставляемую информацию, субъект когда-то обязательно встретится с жесткой реальностью и окажется, что это была всего лишь чья-то точка зрения. И тогда, у «разбитого корыта» приходится искать новые ответы на «старые вопросы», причем искать самостоятельно, подсознательно осознавая возможность ошибок и неверных выводов. Так субъект создает свой мир смыслов весьма далеких от действительности, мир, построенный на основе своих и ...
#1 Best Seller in Time Management, Home Improvements, and Cleaning, Caretaking & Relocating - Discover your unique Organizing Personality Type and Strategies for a more productive and clutter-free life. A new book by the author of Real Life Organizing and Cluttered Mess to Organized Success Workbook Fans of The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up and Spark Joy &nbs ...
Who Better to Love You Than You? It’s time to stop feeling like we’re not enough. We’re either too fat or too thin. We're not good enough, pretty enough, popular enough, powerful enough, bold enough, brave enough, interesting enough… The solution? More self-love. Know yourself. Bestselling author and psychotherapist, Daphne Rose Kingma, offers a four-step plan to reclaim and love ourselves. Complete with stories and examples ...