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Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
Chevrolet Tahoe / GMC Yukon с 2022 года, руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации в электронном виде (на английском языке)
 Психологическая консультация
 Violent States and Creative States (2 Volume Set)
 Violent States and Creative States (2 Volume Set)

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This is a provocative collection exploring the different types of violence and how they relate to one another, examined through the integration of several disciplines, including forensic psychotherapy, psychiatry, sociology, psychosocial studies and political science. By examining the 'violent states' of mind behind specific forms of violence and the social and societal contexts in which an individual act of human violence takes place,
 Working with Troubled Children and Teenagers
 Working with Troubled Children and Teenagers

 Автор: Jonny Matthew

  Working with Troubled Children and Teenagers is an easy to understand guide packed with wisdom for anyone working with or caring for troubled children and teens. Author Jonny Matthew has decades of experience of working with young people, and offers simple but hard-won advice about how to earn the trust and respect of even the most challenging young people. It all starts with you, the adult, adopting a position of respect and patience. It'
 Creative Approaches to CBT
 Creative Approaches to CBT

 Автор: Patricia Sherwood

  Expanding the therapist's toolkit, this book provides creative activities and exercises for every stage of the cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) process, from initial diagnosis through to relapse prevention. The exercises are an integrated part of the CBT work and assist in the process of acquiring the required skills and behavioural outcomes. Drawing on creative techniques such as clay therapy and guided imagery, each chapter focuses o

 Therapeutic Adventures with Autistic Children
 Therapeutic Adventures with Autistic Children

 Автор: Jonas Torrance

  A vivid exploration of working with autistic children using empowering techniques from a range of creative therapies. Each chapter in this heartening book is the story of a child with autism and how therapy was pivotal in confronting his or her individual dilemma. Covering many of the behaviours characteristic to autism, such as uncontrolled anger and obsessive tendencies, the therapies used range from drawing and dancing to meditation and mart
 How to Get the Most Out of Clinical Pastoral Education
 How to Get the Most Out of Clinical Pastoral Education

 Автор: Gordon J. Hilsman, D.Min

  This accessible primer sets out the core elements and methods of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE), and shows how to use it most effectively to improve clinicians' capacity for spiritual care. The guide explains how to learn best from verbatim sessions, open agenda groups and writing projects. It shows how the primary learning modalities of CPE add competence to a spiritual caregiver's practice, suggesting helpful ways to reflect on s
 Art-Making with Refugees and Survivors
 Art-Making with Refugees and Survivors

 Автор: Sally Adnams Jones

  This book explores how creativity and the expressive arts can be therapeutic for refugees and survivors of natural disasters, poverty, war, pandemic and genocide. Artists and therapists behind group art projects worldwide reveal how art enables people to come together, find their voices and learn how to narrate their stories after traumatic experiences. They offer insight into the challenges they encountered and explain the theory, curricula a
 How Sprinkle the Pig Escaped the River of Tears
 How Sprinkle the Pig Escaped the River of Tears

 Автор: Anne Westcott

  Sprinkle the pig has moved to a new house, with a new family, but he misses his old family. On his first day at school his classmate yells at him, and everything gets too much. He cries and cries, and soon the tears become a river and carry him away! Wise monkey spots Sprinkle, but he is too far away. Can he help Sprinkle to find hidden strengths to survive the river of tears? This therapeutic picture book is written to help children aged 4-10
 On Being an Introvert or Highly Sensitive Person
 On Being an Introvert or Highly Sensitive Person

 Автор: Илсе Санд

  In a culture that ranks sociability and extroversion above the introverted traits of deep thinking and being alone, Ilse Sand shows how to find joy and meaning as an introvert or highly sensitive person. She debates whether these traits are caused by nature or nurture, and shows how someone like this can organise their life to keep them content. What she says is appropriate for people who are temporarily, or for some other reason, in a sensitive
 Fun Games and Physical Activities to Help Heal Children Who Hurt
 Fun Games and Physical Activities to Help Heal Children Who Hurt

 Автор: Beth Powell

  Develop children's brains and bonds with this collection of no-tech, physical games, strategies and activities. Ideal for children who have experienced neglect, abuse and trauma, these «real-world» experiences draw on therapeutic, trauma-focused-care play principles and promote positive attachment between child and caregivers. Explanations for how and why specific play themes and caregiver attitudes can help children's brain developme
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