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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Психологическая консультация
 A Practical Guide to Gender Diversity and Sexuality in Early Years
 A Practical Guide to Gender Diversity and Sexuality in Early Years

 Автор: Deborah Price

  Aiding discussion of gender diversity and sexuality with very young children, this practical guide helps practitioners explore these themes in early years settings. Promoting and extending current good practice, the book offers advice and activities that will support children in discovering their identity and also demonstrates how to work with parents. This guide presents a background to gender theory alongside examples and case studies, showin
 We Need to Talk about Religious Education
 We Need to Talk about Religious Education

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Although Religious Education (RE) is a legal requirement in UK schools, it is an oft-neglected and misunderstood subject. It is important to seriously re-think this key subject at this time of low religious literacy and rising extremism, to protect communities from the consequences of hatred and misunderstanding. This book promotes a public discussion of what exactly is needed from a new model of RE within our education system to benefit wider s
 Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy
 Nature-Based Expressive Arts Therapy

 Автор: Sally Atkins

  Responding to the increased interest in the integration of expressive arts and ecotherapy, this book presents a nature based approach to expressive arts work. It provides an overview of the two fields, emphasizing how they can enrich and learn from each other, and highlights attitudes and practices in expressive arts that are particularly relevant to working with nature. This includes cultivating an aesthetic response to the earth, the relations

 A Multidisciplinary Handbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health for Front-line Professionals, Third Edition
 A Multidisciplinary Handbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health for Front-line Professionals, Third Edition

 Автор: Andrew Parkin

  This handbook provides a succinct introduction to child mental health, covering the nature, prevalence, treatment and management of mental health problems in children and young people. The authors explore a range of issues surrounding the emotional needs of young people, showing how specific problems such as ADHD and learning difficulties can be targeted, while also recognising diversity issues and paying particular attention to at-risk groups.
 Art Therapy in Private Practice
 Art Therapy in Private Practice

 Автор: Группа авторов
 Come Closer
 Come Closer

 Автор: Илсе Санд

  Everyone engages in self-protecting behaviours to some extent, but when these begin to take on the form of bad habits, they can be damaging. People often use self-protection strategies in love and relationships to mitigate potential pain or heartbreak. This book considers the defence mechanisms inadvertently used to avoid closeness with other people, the inner self, and reality and any resulting distress from confrontation with these bodies. T
 Honest Dialogue
 Honest Dialogue

 Автор: Bent Falk

  Focusing on how someone in need can best be helped, the author identifies the skills and honesty of the person who wants to help as key to how effective this can be. Looking in detail at the nature of boundaries, willingness to speak from a place of authenticity and to be honestly present to the experience of the individual person, and the sensitive and economical use of language, the author shows how people in a state of deep personal crisis ca
 Portrait Therapy
 Portrait Therapy

 Автор: Susan Carr M.

  Portrait therapy reverses the traditional roles in art therapy, utilising Edith Kramer's concept of the art therapist's 'third hand' to collaboratively design and paint their clients' portraits. It addresses 'disrupted' self-identity, which is common in serious illness and characterised by statements like 'I don't know who I am anymore' and 'I'm not the person I used to be'. This
 Bad Psychology
 Bad Psychology

 Автор: Robert A. Forde

  For decades the psychological assessment and treatment of offenders has run on invalid and untested programmes. Robert A. Forde exposes the current ineffectiveness of forensic psychology that has for too long been maintained by individual and commercial vested interests, resulting in dangerous prisoners being released on parole, and low risk prisoners being denied it, wasting enormous amounts of public money. Challenging entrenched ideas about t
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