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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Психологическая консультация
 Nurturing Personal, Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood
 Nurturing Personal, Social and Emotional Development in Early Childhood

 Автор: Debbie Garvey

  This direct guide supports practitioners in nurturing personal, social and emotional development (PSED) in young children by demystifying brain development research. Condensing a wealth of recent research and theory around PSED into practical guidance, it gives professionals the knowledge and understanding they need to critically evaluate their own practice and find the best course of action to support PSED in young children. From the perspect
 Tools for Helpful Souls
 Tools for Helpful Souls

 Автор: Илсе Санд

  Highly sensitive people spend a lot of time trying to balance their surroundings, including the emotions and wellbeing of those around them, which lends to a supportive and caring nature. While highly sensitive people are well-suited for the role of 'helper', this practice can be particularly exhausting if not regulated. This book contains a variety of tools geared towards self-development and optimising a helpful and supportive conver
 The Art Activity Book for Psychotherapeutic Work
 The Art Activity Book for Psychotherapeutic Work

 Автор: Jennifer Guest

 Playful Awakening
 Playful Awakening

 Автор: Dianne Gammage

  Playfulness has the power to reconnect us with our sense of self, and help us achieve growth and self-fulfilment. The author of this wide-ranging book explores the universal significance of play in the pursuit of happiness and authenticity. Providing a brief overview of the role of play in social, spiritual and intellectual endeavours throughout history, she discusses the harmful consequences of taking things too seriously, and reveals playfuln
 Art Therapy and Substance Abuse
 Art Therapy and Substance Abuse

 Автор: Libby Schmanke

 Music Therapy for Multisensory and Body Awareness in Children and Adults with Severe to Profound Multiple Disabilities
 Music Therapy for Multisensory and Body Awareness in Children and Adults with Severe to Profound Multiple Disabilities

 Автор: Roberta S. Adler

  This book offers the practical, ready-to-use MuSense program. Originally designed for music therapists working with individuals with profound multiple disabilities, the MuSense program provides comprehensive guidance to music therapists on how to effectively work with individuals whose needs can be extremely difficult to meet. Containing a robust, structured, evidence-based protocol of music therapy, and supported by case studies throughout, t
 Helping Babies and Children Aged 0-6 to Heal After Family Violence
 Helping Babies and Children Aged 0-6 to Heal After Family Violence

 Автор: Dr. Wendy Bunston

  After family violence, very young children and babies benefit from child-led therapy, but how do you achieve this? Dr. Wendy Bunston's guide is here to help you to meet the emotional needs of children who are experiencing trauma, and to enable them to form healthy attachments, both within their families and beyond. As well as clearly explaining the consequences of domestic violence on young developing brains, this book demystifies the prac
 Outsider Art and Art Therapy
 Outsider Art and Art Therapy

 Автор: Rachel Cohen Lara

  Outsider art, traditionally the work of psychiatric patients, offenders and minority groups, and art therapy have shared histories of art created in psychiatric care. As the two fields grow, this book reveals the current issues faced by both disciplines and traces their shared histories to help them build clearer and more coherent identities. More often than not, the history of art therapy has been tied to psychological and psychiatric roots, w
 The Economics of Therapy
 The Economics of Therapy

 Автор: Группа авторов

  When you think of arts therapy, you don't often associate the practice with profit; however, ethical economic models are essential in allowing clients the most access to arts therapy services. Art therapists don't generally have formal training in economics, which can be challenging when developing their professional services. This book offers the fundamentals of micro and macro economics that apply to creating a sustainable and ethica
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