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Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
Volkswagen Polo (MK6) since 2017, service e-manual
 Психологическая консультация
 Healing for Adults Who Grew Up in Adoption or Foster Care
 Healing for Adults Who Grew Up in Adoption or Foster Care

 Автор: Renee Wolfs

  Positive and practical, this guide is designed to offer a route to recovery from grief and loss after adoption or long-term foster care. Children growing up in adoptive families or foster care often have complicated feelings about the loss of their birth parents – feelings which become all the more complex as they gain independence and become young adults, and which can endure throughout their lives. Common life events such as entering new rela
 The Music of Being
 The Music of Being

 Автор: Alison Levinge

  This book explores how the work of key child development theorists informs music therapy practice with children and families. Focusing primarily on the theoretical thinking and understanding of the paediatrician and psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott, Alison Levinge highlights how his theories resonate with the central aspects of music therapy. Central to the book are Winnicott's ideas on play and an exploration of his understanding of the psy
 A Short Introduction to Helping Young People Manage Anxiety
 A Short Introduction to Helping Young People Manage Anxiety

 Автор: Carol Fitzpatrick

  Anxiety is an increasingly common problem in young people, but there are many different causes and types, and it can be difficult to know where to start in order to understand it and know how best to help. This easy-to-read guide provides information about the different types of anxiety and why some young people experience anxiety, and is full of advice and tips on how to help and support young people. As well as common types of anxiety such as

 Integrative Art Therapy and Depression
 Integrative Art Therapy and Depression

 Автор: Vibeke Skov

  Laying out a new integrative approach to the treatment of depression, this book looks at the biological, psychological, social and spiritual dimensions of clinical art therapy. Skov presents the theoretical foundation for a Jungian approach to art therapy and depression together with its clinical methodology and framework, outlining a procedure for working with people with mild to moderate depression. Integrative art therapy in clinical practi
 Spiritual Accompaniment and Counselling
 Spiritual Accompaniment and Counselling

 Автор: Группа авторов

  The contributors, who each work with spiritual issues, either explicitly as spiritual directors or accompaniers, or as an implicit part of their therapeutic work, offer a psychologically-informed approach to Spiritual Accompaniment and Direction, and to working with others on a spiritual level more generally. They explore what it means to be attuned to the spiritual process of another, discuss what makes an effective relationship in Spiritual Ac
 Spiritual Care in Practice
 Spiritual Care in Practice

 Автор: Группа авторов

  These diverse case studies make a compelling case for the importance of effective spiritual care in healthcare and provide unprecedented insight into the essential role of the chaplain within the healthcare team. Presented alongside critical reflections and responses from professionals within chaplaincy, psychology, psychiatry and nursing, they provide an honest and detailed look into how healthcare chaplains actually work with the people in the
 Evidence-Based Assessment in ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
 Evidence-Based Assessment in ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)

 Автор: Kenneth Aitken

 Art Therapy with Neurological Conditions
 Art Therapy with Neurological Conditions

 Автор: Группа авторов

  By creating a therapeutic outlet for self-expression and processing trauma, art therapy can play a powerful role in assisting people with a brain injury or neurological condition to adjust to living with altered abilities and ways of thinking. Bringing together a wealth of expertise from specialists working with a range of conditions including epilepsy, dementia, acquired brain injury, motor neurone disease and multiple sclerosis, this book de
 Teen Anxiety
 Teen Anxiety

 Автор: Raychelle Cassada Lohmann

  Today's teens are faced with all sorts of decisions, dilemmas and difficulties, from exam worries to friendship and relationship problems. The result is that anxiety is an increasingly common problem, and professionals need practical ways of helping these anxious teens. Teen Anxiety is a practical manual to use with teenagers to help them cope with anxious feelings. With 60 easy-to-do activities based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
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