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Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
Volkswagen Arteon 2017 thru 2021, service e-manual
 Психологическая консультация
 Self-Care for the Mental Health Practitioner
 Self-Care for the Mental Health Practitioner

 Автор: Alfred J. Malinowski

  Dr. Alfred J. Malinowski's book provides a comprehensive resource on self-care for those working in the field of psychotherapy. Beginning with an exploration of the role and duties of the mental health practitioner, Dr. Malinowski describes how the demands of practice can lead therapists to diminished psychological well-being. He explores the impact this can have and, through an examination of the latest research, reiterates the importance
 Empowering Therapeutic Practice
 Empowering Therapeutic Practice

 Автор: Группа авторов

  This book explores the exciting areas of overlap between psychodrama and other therapeutic schools and presents opportunities for their creative interaction and integration. Psychodramatists, to varying degrees, integrate the ideas and philosophies of other forms of psychotherapy into their clinical practice. Similarly, other therapists make use of the action methods of psychodrama. This edited volume contains contributions from a variety of du
 Using Stories to Build Bridges with Traumatized Children
 Using Stories to Build Bridges with Traumatized Children

 Автор: Kim Golding S.

  Using Stories to Build Bridges with Traumatized Children is full of creative ideas for how you can use stories therapeutically with children in counselling, life story work or direct work. Psychologist Kim S. Golding shows how you can use stories to build connections with children aged 4–16 and support their recovery from trauma and stress. She illustrates the techniques with 21 stories adapted from her own clinical work with children and fami

 Helping Adolescents and Adults to Build Self-Esteem
 Helping Adolescents and Adults to Build Self-Esteem

 Автор: Deborah Plummer

  Packed with activities and helpful advice, this resource is designed for professionals working to help adolescents and adults break the destructive cycle of low self-esteem. This fully updated new edition of Deborah M. Plummer's popular resource is filled with practical ideas for building healthy self-esteem. Easy-to-use photocopiable activity sheets encourage participants to use existing skills and develop new techniques to nurture confi
 Reading and Expressive Writing with Traumatised Children, Young Refugees and Asylum Seekers
 Reading and Expressive Writing with Traumatised Children, Young Refugees and Asylum Seekers

 Автор: Marion Baraitser

 Archetypal Imagery and the Spiritual Self
 Archetypal Imagery and the Spiritual Self

 Автор: Annabelle Nelson

  Combining psychology and spirituality, this practical book considers archetypes from Asian, Middle Eastern and European myths and explains how they can be used in therapeutic practice to help clients achieve personal or clinical goals. This innovative model of archetype imagination is a powerful tool for coaches and therapists. It involves visualizing an archetype, which teaches the mind to focus, relaxes the ego, and opens the unconscious. Thi
 Attachment, Trauma, and Healing
 Attachment, Trauma, and Healing

 Автор: Michael Orlans

  Now in a fully updated and expanded edition, Levy and Orlans' classic text provides a comprehensive overview of attachment theory, how attachment issues manifest, and how they can be treated. The book covers attachment-focused assessment and diagnosis, specialised training and education for caregivers, treatment for children and caregivers and early intervention and prevention programmes for high-risk families. The authors explain their u
 Play Therapy in the Outdoors
 Play Therapy in the Outdoors

 Автор: Alison Chown

  Championing the therapeutic power of nature, this book explores why outdoor play therapy offers children more than being confined to a playroom and how practice can be moved into the natural environment in a safe and ethical way.  By using outdoor environments, the traditional dyadic relationship between the therapist and the child becomes a triadic one in which the therapeutic process is enhanced and the environment for the play therapy is sha
 The Music in Music Therapy
 The Music in Music Therapy

 Автор: Группа авторов

  Bringing together a wide range of European thought on music therapy practice, this book provides a deeper insight into the aspects of the therapeutic process which are enabled by music. With a theoretical, psychodynamic approach and high quality clinical case material from across Europe, the editors stress the role of music within music therapy and show how essential the musician is within the identity of a music therapist. The first of its ki
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